

  • I just started my second round of the 30DS. During the first round I only lost 5 lbs but I lost 9 inches! Right now I'm going to try it for 60 days instead of just 30 and see what happens. Good luck and stick with it! You won't be sorry! I can't wait until other people can see the differences that I feel. :)
  • Awww..that is so cute. "not to be rude" lol sounds like that little boy has some good manners too!
  • ROCK ON!!! I'm going to have a success story one day. Most likely not as dramatic as yours but it will mean a lot to me :) Good job!
  • Great job!!! I can't wait until I have that happen... :)
  • I don't know if I can lose 20lbs in 75 days...I've only lost 10lbs in the last three it seems like a long shot for me but that doesn't mean I won't try! :) I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred last week so we'll see where I am in July 1st Good Luck everybody!!!
  • Thank you guys so much for all you advice. :) I greatly appreciate it! It has given me a lot to think about, research, and apply to my life. I feel encouraged knowing that I'm not the only one who is struggling with weight loss even though I'm doing a lot of things "right". I hope that in a few months I can post some more…
  • Amazing! You look great! :)
  • I just bought that 30DS and I'm starting this week. Any tips, hints, suggestions for success? Good job!
  • Maybe try a different type of exercise...Weight training will help you gain muscle (which weighs more than fat) the scale may not change but your inches measure yourself every couple weeks before you get too frustrated and see if anything else is changing. Try doing something you've never done…
  • Way to go! I want to be able to say that I've lost 1/3 of my body weight in a year...:) Pretty awesome
  • Awesome! What are some things that really worked well for you?
  • Hello friend! :) Welcome! I have a few tips for you since you are just beginning this fitness journey...(I have tried a lot of fad diets too and now I'm doing it the "hard" way) 1. Measure yourself ASAP and track it on the can find that in the "my home" tab I would suggest having a notebook as well so you can…
  • You look great. I think I need to run to walmart now and get the DVD :p What kinds of food did you eat? Could you just give me an example of what your daily meal plan looked like?
  • Try a new exercise! I usually do treadmill or elliptical workouts and the last couple weeks I've started walking outside instead and doing some hiking with my hubby and my weight started moving down a little faster. Plus I'm having fun. :) Good Luck!