no success. a bit of rant.

so this is just a bit of a rant really, im just so frustrated. My weight is sitting pretty good. Although I wouldn't mind losing a few more lbs, I guess whats getting to me most is that I try SOOOO HARD to do all the right things. I excercise 6 days a week for an hour or more, have in the last few weeks started adding in weight training. Something I struggle with cause I never really know what to do and how much etc etc. My eating is pretty good, not perfect but always within calories and macros etc. But yet here I stay. I just in general feel pretty crappy about myself. Just feel like screaming at the world, I used to be a runner, I weigh ALOT more then but I could run a pretty good distance and I felt so good. but due to back/hamstring and feet issues Im not longer a runner. I can do pretty much anything else I want exercise wise. I just get so sick(jealous) of all these people who just seem to drop weight whenever they want. ARGHHHHHHH!!!!! not really looking for advice. Just wanted to get it out there.

Thanks for reading.


  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    Hey, you are exercising most days, weight training, eating pretty good (eating enough but not too much?). It would be so much easier to sit on the couch and eat junk everyday, but you've chosen to take care of your body. You should be proud of yourself. Pat yourself on the back.
  • Maybe try a different type of exercise...Weight training will help you gain muscle (which weighs more than fat) the scale may not change but your inches measure yourself every couple weeks before you get too frustrated and see if anything else is changing.

    Try doing something you've never done rock climbing, or take a yoga class, or ice skating...something unusual for you :) See if you can shake things up a little and maybe your body will respond ;)

    Good Luck and hang in there!
  • Mharren
    Mharren Posts: 60
    A rant is always good! Pounds aren't the only 'weight' that needs to come off sometimes, so does the emotional weight. It is not easy for most people to drop weight whenever they want and it is even harder to drop weight when you are already close to your ideal BMI interval. People that are admitted to the hospital weighing say, 500lbs will drop 30lbs in a week or so without getting out of bed just because we control the food. The increments of weight lost tend to shrink as you get closer to your ideal BMI. This is an in-built safety mechanism dictated by your body's endocrine system to prevent you from starving. We've evolved to put on weight easily (in most cases) and to protect against losing weight.

    You have a great sounding workout regimen and good eating habits, so you may have met your ideal boundaries which will make it hard to break out of them. Not everyone's ideal range is going to match our BMI chart or render a slim-line figure. But stick with it. The body is like a thermostat, it can be adjusted, it's just stubborn.

    Cheers mate,
    - Mharren
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    I find that hiit cardio kick starts the weight loss. After a 2 month plateau, running 2 minute intervals has triggered more weight loss.

    Are you weighing your food? It's easy just to eat more than you think.
  • stephanieadorman
    stephanieadorman Posts: 31 Member
    You know, I actually took two days off from training and dropped my calorie intake back down to 1,200 for two days and it restarted my weight loss. I was sitting around 185 and this morning I woke up and I was 182.6... and it will keep going down.

    Maybe you need a rest? :)