Well I do wonder about sizing. My problem is that sometimes what fits when I'm just hanging out or walking my dog is too loose when I run or do other high impact workouts. So I'll sometimes size down so my tights won't fall down. I also find my tights loose their elasticity over time. So, I can fit in both sizes, but the…
LOL - yeah, no I agree. My main concern wasn't so much that the underwear was visible (easily remedied with a thong, as you say) but that my skin was visible too. I'm willing to wear a thong (or nothing) as long as my bare bum isn't on full display ;-)
Thanks for the replies. I got a second opinion and was told they're not obscene LOL. I usually wear black boyshort undies when I work out and you can definitely see them when I squat or lift my leg up but it's not horrible. Right around the panty line and knee area is where the skin shows through when I really squat or…
Yep, I love my adidas marathon trail running shoes. Fit like a glove, but I think they're discontinued because I can't find them anymore. The trail grip is awesome on grass/dirt as well as road. Only thing is my knees kill after long walks, especially on pavement. So I'm thinking they're not well-suited for that. But I…
I'm totally sympathetic. As meshashesha20 points out, diet of course plays a role. But genetics also plays a role. And if you're genetically prone to powerful quads AND you're doing exercises that repeatedly engage those large muscle groups in the thighs, they're likely to get or stay big. Many people will argue that it's…
You know, I even find that I get nerve irritation just from walking, particularly walking uphill, so I'm sure you're right that I'd have to be careful about increasing tension on the elliptical. Quite frustrating when you're body wants to go, go, go but your mind knows better!
I'd forgotten about the recumbent bikes. I've also heard they're good for the back and joints. Thanks for the tip!
LOL Yeah, I don't know what it is with me and my aversion to week out of the summer I'll hit the pool and do some water sports and that's more than enough for me ;-) Glad to hear you like the elliptical. Given the fact that I like to work out at home, I think this might be a good option. I might look into…