sulyha Member


  • I have the Alaska Heart Run coming up April 26. It is a 5k with a few hills. Last year I did it in 27:27. I am not sure if I'll be able to beat that time, but I will try. I also have the Gold Nugget Triathlon coming up. The run portion is 4 miles. Last year the bike killed me and I walked most of the first mile of the run…
  • Congrats to everyone on the March challenge! I did not meet my Green goal, but did meet my Blue one (well, I will by the time the day is done). I am going to take the month of April off. I have played a bit with my daily goal number and want to see what happens if I stay within a range, not under a specific number of…
  • March 30 Green-Yes 21?/25 Water-Yes 29/30 Ran 4.6 miles. So glad it's been nice enough to run outside!
  • Sat Mar 29 Green- Yes Blue-Yes Group Power today.
  • Mar 28 Green- No, not even close. Homemade chocolate chip cookies crossed my path this evening.... Blue-Yes
  • Wed March 27 Green-Yes 18?/25 Blue-Yes 26/30 Did the stationary bike. I am signed up for a sprint triathlon and the bike is definitely my weak spot! I will have to get beyond 7 miles in 35 minutes without my legs screaming! Course is 12 miles and there is a big hill at the end! @twijourney: I too am addicted to peanut…
  • Hi All, I am at work right now on a short break, so I don't have time to read everyones' posts, but will when I am home. After a lifetime of hating running, I did C25K in 2011 and have been running ever since. The longest I've done is a half-marathon. The fastest I've done is a 5K in under 27 minutes. I think my favorite…
  • Mon Mar 24 Green- No 16/25 Water-yes, 23/30 Tue Mar 24 Green- Yes, if I don't go back in the kitchen 17/25 Water-Yes, 24/30 Felt lazy and grumpy yesterday and my calories show it. Better today. Stopped at the gym after work and swam a mile (36 laps).
  • Sun Mar 23 Green- Yes 16/25 Blue-Yes 22/30 Insanity class at the gym, what a workout!
  • Sat Mar 22 Green- No, very red 15?/25 Water-Yes 21/30 After my daughter's school play we went out and I had burger, fries and a drink despite having had a bowl of chili for dinner prior to going out. It was delicious. Good thing I ran 3.5 miles earlier in the day so not as big of a disaster as it could have been.
  • Mar 21 Green- Yes (w/ Chevy rule help) 15/25 Water-Yes 20/30 Group Power and 25 min on the stationary bike.
  • Mar 20 Green?- No :-( 14/25 Water-Yes 19/20 Not going to make my goal this month. I had planned to run or bike this evening to make up for some extra eating at a work party today and it just didn't happen. Very tired and just want to take a hot bath and go to bed instead of hitting the gym this late.
  • Mar 19 Green- Yes 14/25 Water-Yes 18/19 Swam laps for appx 35 minutes. 24 of them, so a little over half a mile. I would have liked to have stayed and done a mile but I got there late and lap swim is only from 9:00-9:45pm. That is my next little goal... one mile doing all freestyle.
  • Mar 18 Green- Yes 13/25 Water-Yes 17/30 3.75 miles on the treadmill, 3.5 of that running at 5.3 - 6.0mph (logged it all as 5,2mph to be safe).
  • Mar 17 Green- Yes 12/25 Water-Yes 16/30 Group Power tonight.
  • Mar 16 Green-yes 11/25 Water-Yes 15/16 Horribly lazy today... need to get back in the swing of things.
  • Mar 15 Green- Yes 10/25 Water-Yes 14/30
  • Wed Mar 12 Green- No 10/12 Water-Y 11/12? Thur & Fri, Mar 13-14 Red- I was at Disneyland and did not even attempt to log. I may have walked off a lot, but I'm calling both days RED. These days were planned. Total: 11/14 Water- Y on Thur, N on Friday 12/14 Back on track now.
  • Tue Mar 11 Green-No 9/25 Water-Yes 11/30
  • Mar 10 Green- Yes, but with 95 in the Chevy-buffer zpne 9/10 Water-Yes 10/10
  • Mar 9 Green-Y 8/25 Water-Y 9/30 Stayed green even with no gym and an airplane meal for dinner. We'll see how the next 5 days go when I'm traveling!
  • Mar 8 Green-Yes 7/25 Water-Yes 8/30 Made it onto the treadmill today. Hoping that makes up for an otherwise lazy day.
  • I started Couch-to-5K when I was 41. I had never really run before that, and on the rare occasions I had tried I hated it and thought it was physically impossible for me. Well, I stuck with c25k and then went on to "bridge to 10K" and less than a year later ran a half marathon. It is totally possible to start running in…
  • Mar 7 Green- Yes 6/25 Water-Yes (after I finish the water bottle I have in front of me, which I will do). 7/30 Group Power. This has been a long, tiring week. Going to take a hot bath and go to bed.
  • Mar 6 Green-Y 5/25 Water-Y 6/30 Swam laps for 45 min. Felt good. Time for bed.
  • Mar 5 Green- Yes total/goal- 4/25 Water-Yes total/goal- 5/30 Woke up at 2AM with a raging headache and didn't sleep much for the next 4 hours because of the pain. Called in sick to work and slept until 11:00. I'm pretty sure is was sinus pressure. Feeling better now and am armed with sinus meds to take before bed tonight.…
  • Mar 4 Green Yes 3/25 Water Yes 4/25 Group Power today.
  • Mar 1 Green- Yes (w/ Chevy's help), 1/25 water-yes, 1/30 March 2 Green-No, 1/25 water-yes, 2/30 Mar 3 Green- Yes, 2/25 Water-Yes, 3/30 Not off the to the best of starts over the weekend. Saturday would have been my dad's birthday, I was sick with a cold, work has been crazy, and it was yeah, made some cookies,…
  • Hi everyone, Can't believe this will be my 5th month doing this challenge. Time has flown. Anyhow, Here are my goals for March: Green 25 Blue 30
    in March Goal Comment by sulyha March 2014
  • Being in one of the last time zones on the planet, not sure if I got this in on time to get an award but for the first time in 3 months I met my goal! Feb 28 green -yes (chevy style, but still) Total 23/Goal 23 Blue- yes Total/goal 27/28- so close! Thank you to all who have been administrating this! Is there a March…