sunsnowlover Member


  • I have been using berries as a sweet ending to my meals. I've also found special k 90 calorie bars are pretty good especially the choclatey pretzel. I still have cheat days no more than once per week, but these get me through the other days.
  • Pilates DVD, Tae bo, core exercise on a ball or a bosu.
  • I've had a few shoulder surgeries and am limited in what I can do. I have embraced the road bike and the bike trainer, the elliptical, pilates (with limitations) and really specific shoulder exercises. I have found that by statying on my physical therapy program all the time rather than just after surgeries it makes my…
  • Vodka soda with a lime, the soda adds no calories
  • Sister, we must be related! Everytime I have an injury or a surgery it brings back weight and sometimes I too do exercise and then negate it with food. I even do it with too much stress or worrying about too much ahead of time. I have found that I have to take baby steps to get back on track. I use a three day plan to get…