

  • If you are not getting enough protein in your diet, your hair will fall out. Mine was coming out in handfuls until I started increasing my protein intake. I also started taking vitamins in addition to the increased protein. If your specific diet does not allow for ample protein, you can always supplement with a protein…
  • Well I thought that the doctors had done all those tests along with the others; however, my mother just found out that she is diabetic. Not sure if its an inherited disease, but I could ask them to do another round of tests. Couldn't hurt. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Thanks to everyone for their advice and support. I will certainly try to up my calories, change the cardio workouts a bit again and start my weight training once more. Hopefully all things coupled together will make a difference. Thanks to all!
  • Stephanie, Do I ever know how you feel! I sky rocketed to a 210 pounds from 150 lbs when I was 22. My doctor told me that I was considered obese for my height (5'3"). I never thought one word could be so damaging to your self confidence and the way you saw yourself. I got in the gym immediately and got down to 130 over a 8…