ashgagas Member


  • That is awesome! I just did my second fit test yesterday and am down 3lbs. I can feel and see a difference, so I'm not so worried about the lbs lost. I feel great. I have a love hate relationship with Shaun T :)
  • Well, when I purchased the shoes the woman at the store (which was a fitness shoe store) told me that the shoes I purchased would be great for Insanity, because they offer the support that other shoes do not. That even though they are considered a "running shoe" they would work great for Insanity. Until you've tried the…
  • I'm definitely not saying that any type of running shoe is going to work, I'm just simply saying that the particular running shoes that I bought offer more support and cushion than the trainers I had tried.
  • I'm definitely not saying that any type of running shoe is going to work, I'm just simply saying that the particular running shoes that I bought offer more support and cushion than the trainers I had tried.
  • I just started Insanity. I'm on day 4 and before I started I did a lot of research on the right kind of shoe. I had read everywhere that you have to have trainers for the support and running shoes were for running, not training. So I went shoe shopping and I ended up buying Nike Flyknits. And yes, they are running shoes. I…
  • I just started Insanity. I'm on day 4. I did my fit test on Sunday and have been working out everyday since then. My muscles are finally getting used to it and I'm not QUITE as sore! It's kicking my butt...I can't wait to see some results!