I've been working from home for a bit over two years now. I definitely moved about more during the working day when I was working in a busy office as a hospital secretary (my work is all screen-based now). Interesting to see the comments above about finding it easier or harder to lose weight when at home. My husband found…
I don't know how many are over 60. The over 50s board is just crazy, I don't even try to go on that as there are so many posters. I'm 61 and been using MFP for several years now. It helped me lose a fair bit to start with, 50 lbs, and although I have regained some I have never got back up to my old weight. I need to lose…
Original starting weight : 13 st 9.0 lbs October starting weight : 13st 8.4 lbs October goal : 13st 3 lbs Ultimate goal: 11st 0 lbs 1/10/17 - 13st 8.4 lbs 02/10/17 - 13 st 7.8 lbs 03/10/17 - 13 st 7.8 lbs 04/10/17 - 13 st 5.4 lbs 05/10/17 - 13 st 5.8 lbs 06/10/17 - 13 st 6.4 lbs 8/10/17 - 15/10/17 22/10/17 29/10/17 Total…
Belated thanks for that encouragement. Three years on, I reached my goal weight briefly around Christmas 2013 but then put back on 20lbs that I keep trying to shift. Still get compliments on how much I've lost. MFP has really worked for me,
This is what I need. Will make it 9 pm week nights and 10 pm Friday to Sunday. I predict more sleep, less food and a happier stomach in the mornings.
I've eaten jars of the stuff in my time. Managing to keep off it mostly these days and just drink one at night (that's the Options 40 calories a cup). Why? I don't know. It's messy and difficult to eat but it's, you know, chocolate. Mixing it with neat whisky adds another dimension. I'm so glad there are so many of us -…
I live in Wakefield though I'm not from there originally. Been living there for over 10 years now.
I have a Fitbit one - am on my third. It's comfortable to wear but can be forgotten and end up in the wash. The makers are very generous with replacements; I was very surprised when they sent me a third one after I had washed two. I don't use the sleep feature but my husband got himself a Fitbit one also and he wears it…
Yay for Who goodness on MFP. 50th anniversary ep was brilliant, can't really say the same for this year's Christmas episode.
You're not the only one who preferred Eccleston. Such a shame he wouldn't do more.
I've gone from UK20 to UK14-16 so far, still got 15lbs to lose. I have kept my size 16 tees and jeans as I think I will put some back on over Christmas but got rid of the 20s a while back and have only got one or two 18s still around. It's too scary to ditch everything straight away but I need room for the new smaller…
I just got reset again recently, and wondered if I'd ever make 100. I think 40's my best so far. I really don't think it'll happen before next year though, I mean logging through Christmas?? I could only do that if I was alone I think.
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This is exactly what has worked for me over the last 16 months. Great advice.
Yes, I'm in my 50s and I did wince a bit at the advice to binge and work it off. Think of your livers! But I guess people in their 20s and 30s don't always worry about health so much. And I admit to drinking more than I should at times myself, though have had to cut right down recently owing to taking medication.
It's worth weighing out your drinks to get the right measure. I do this if at home. Put the glass on the scale base, set to 0 then pour. As you say it's far too easy to kid yourself how much you are having.
We had a lot of callers and gave most of ours out but I did have some chocolate and wine and went over my calories, haven't counted yet but it should be by quite a bit. This doesn't scare me. I have a whole season of celebration coming up in November and December with anniversary, various birthdays and Christmas, so I am…
The pic is not just on MFP, is it? Likewise I was not aiming for anyone here in particular. Big package being something you can't change as it's what nature gave you - same as her nice face and figure.
I'm sorry no one seems to be supporting your viewpoint. I understand where you are coming from. The pressure, which is still mainly on women, to look good gets greater and greater, and not everyone can look as beautiful as her or have the same physique/build. Maybe we should picture a fit handsome man with a huge package…
I have this problem with quite frequent/regular socialising involving food as well. I try to go to the gym and burn a few hundred calories to compensate for the bad days.
1430 without exercise I started on 1270 but it was too hard to stick to. Adjusted to a lower weight loss per week and got on better. I'm not in a rush. Have lost 50lbs in a year and two months so far. I'm aged nearly 57 and height 5ft 7" Starting weight around 215lbs
It's important to differentiate between salt and sodium - UK recommendation is for less than 6g of salt a day, not 6g of sodium. Salt is only about 40% sodium according to this:
I often wish MFP had a 'like' button. There are so many posts on this thread that I would like if I could. This is just one. I so agree.
Urrgh, it was easier when they didn't know. There's a big box of chocs in the next office and I have been teased about how I won't eat one because I'm 'on a diet', not that I've ever said I was 'on a diet' it's just that I've got thinner so I must be 'on a diet'. Of course I am going to have a couple of the chocs and fit…
Definitely the way I went this time. It takes the pressure off. I told a couple of people in confidence when I'd lost the first 8lbs. When I'd lost 21lbs one or two other people started to notice.
No of course it's not stupid. Excess weight really saps your confidence. There was a photo taken for someone's retirement at work this week and I found myself NOT trying to hide at the back as I would have done up until recently. And if you've never been slim before it must be even more exciting...Sadly I can't see the…
Mainly about work, that they all hate me there. I think it's time I moved on actually, if only there was somewhere to go.
I only ever go on during lunch hour. Not that that will matter to the killjoy types that police our IT. If they knew there was a chance of us enjoying ourselves in the office I'm sure they would block it out. You've reminded me how I used to enjoy playing Scrabble in lunch breaks on Facebook. Those were the days,
Shhh or the IT droids will hear and block it like they have everything else.
Hi, welcome back. You will find plenty of positive support here. Well done for the 7lbs. Mostly people can't see the difference until you have lost quite a lot of weight (depending on what size you started out). I wish you success now you've got back on track