cmcniece Member


  • Oh I definitely wasn't perfect by any means. I just didn't overeat as much as I normally would. I would imagine I was over calorie wise and definitely had a late night Friday and was feeling it Saturday but I had worked out pretty hard all week before I left so I think my body was recovering and maintaining a good burn…
  • So glad you posted this. I'm around where you were 2.5 years ago. Finishing up 4 years of grad school and that combined with the post-HS decline in athletic activities has led me to 295ish (did hit 300 once and that was eye-opening). I'm down a few pounds so far and hope to pick up some heavy lifting along the way. I've…
  • Hadn't been lately but getting back active again.
  • Everyone's childhood favorite - Flavor Ice Freeze Pops!!! Only 25 cal each. And cold and frozen goodness. Also incredibly cheap!
  • Grad student getting my clinical doctorate (Au.D.) in Audiology. 2 years down, 2 to go (1 of classes/clinic, 1 of full time externship/residency)
  • Sounds awesome!!! Great work. I love the thought of nice hearty breakfast that isn't breakfast. Breakfast for dinner has always been a big thing, so why not dinner for breakfast?
  • It's all related to hearing and balance: diagnostic testing, hearing aids, cochlear implants, vestibular testing (balance)
    in Memphis? Comment by cmcniece August 2012
  • Audiology
    in Memphis? Comment by cmcniece August 2012
  • Marion, AR/ U of Memphis grad student
    in Memphis? Comment by cmcniece August 2012
  • Age 25 Height - 6'3" SW/CW - 297 GW - 215 Just getting started here. Have definitely found a few twins. Thanks
  • Holy Thread Revival Batman :laugh: . Another tall guy, 6'3" and 297-300ish right now. Finally getting serious about getting back in shape. Played basketball and soccer in HS in the 190-195 range. Just discovered MFP and seems pretty awesome. Trying to get back down to 195-215 range. Feel free to add me.