

  • You can do it! :bigsmile:
  • Wow! I want to say that is some awesome weight loss. The question I have is whether you are eating enough to get all the nutrients your body needs. If you are and a recent physical shows you are healthy, then I do not see a why they think you are exercising too much.
  • Ah! The dreaded leg day? Feeling that way is fairly common. Your body needs to rest. The general rule when strength training is to let the muscle group you just worked on to rest for 2-4 days. (2 is really the bare minimum) Go with a different cardio workout. I do not suggest lowering your intensity because then you will…
  • I second what everyone else has said. It takes some hard work and dedication.
  • Hi mmariag! There are several home workouts you can do without weights; such as push-ups, assisted push-ups, seated dips, etc. Youtube is a pretty good source for some home workouts. Though, use those with caution because some of them contain bad form that could cause you to injure yourself. The way I would go about…