sasp1385 Member


  • Thanks so much! I'm checking it out now :) I'm going to take some belly pics today and then see what difference there is in a few weeks!
    in advice? Comment by sasp1385 October 2011
  • Thank you x
    in advice? Comment by sasp1385 October 2011
  • I'm confused with this one to! I am also 1200 calories and don't know if I am meant to eat the energy I've burned! I'm guessing if you don't eat it, it might lead to exhaustion? Sometimes if I do 500 cal worth of exercise, I only put down 300!
  • I love this story! Thank God for those angels and your inner strength. You look beautiful, youthful and at peace. I know women that pay for your glowing skin-but you can't buy that glow! Congratulations and good luck for the next 10lbs xx
  • I'm a huge believer that deprivation is bad for the soul! That's why I would never tell anyone I was on a diet hahaha I always say "thanks anyway, but I don't feel like that right now, maybe later" that way my brain is not being told I can't have it. Hence, no rebellion by my mind and no little voice saying to me "Oh go…
  • Great work! You can see such an improvement already. Hope you're damn proud of yourself!
  • How much do you weigh now? I wouldn't be eating that many calories myself if I wanted to lose weight. I'm pretty sure the equation is something like to lose a pound of fat then you have to lose 3500 calories. This can either be done through diet and or exercise. If you walk at a pace of 6km an hour and do that for 60 mins…