

  • I am right there with you on the waiting game. Maybe we will be surgery
  • Hello, I am also awaiting insurance as well. I just finished my Psych Evaluation and spoke with the surgical coordinator today. My paperwork has been submitted for insurance approval..YIPPEE! So now I am just trying to get everything needed for after surgery and keep my mind right and on track.
  • Hello All. My main reason is also due to health. Over the last few years my health has been going downhill. Like most women I am a nurturer of everyone else besides myself..It stops now!! I am sick of going to the doctor to a cure to all the pain I am in and they all come to the same conclusion.."if you drop some weight it…
  • Hello Stephanie, My name is Kat. I am also new to the group and I am looking forward to 2013.