cristino1985 Member


  • I've enjoyed most of the food so far didn't like the yoghurt breakfast with the cinnamon, had the steak tonight it was yummy. Though I find I'm not hungry enough to have the snack she suggests!
  • I am doing the kick start week though yesterday I didn't get the pm workout in cos my youngest baby didn't go down until after 10 and I was too tired then! So today I am gonna try do both workouts back to back, if I don't collapse in a heap that is lol! I'm following the meal plan as much as I can but have also joined…
  • I started today, can't wait to see the lbs start to shift again
  • Hi all, I'm Cristín, I have started body revolution today and hope having a group of people doing the same thing will keep me motivated every day! I have two small children 20 months and 8 months and still have 7lbs of pregnancy weight to lose, on top of all the other weight!! My first aim is to lose the 7lbs! I loved 30ds…
  • You start on level one for ten days then level 2 for ten days then level 3 for ten days, when I started on level one I was dying by the end of the 20 minutes but by the end of the ten days I could really see the improvement. I loved it as it was less than half an hour and have become slightly obsessed with jillian…
  • Hi ladies hope you don't mind if I tag along, I'm starting today with the 7 day kick start week and meal plan, I'm sitting here not enjoying the yogurt/cinnamon combo so I won't be having this breakfast again, oh well you love and learn, I'll be doing my morning workout a little later and am a little scared as haven't done…
  • Thank you for the advice, I only drank a few sips of water during the workout today and drank a good bit after the workout and didn't feel I'll. to be honest I don't have much time even to grab a sip during the workout as she is very quick to move onto the next move not like 30ds where there was always a little bit of time…
  • Hi Ian I'm in Northwood so not far from you at all (for a week at least, moving to cornwall on Monday) feel free to add if you like.
  • Hi! I got this DVD last week, I've done two days of level one and slightly let like puking too! I did 30ds last month so thought tis would be a good progression, I am finding it tough though, have you found it getting any easier, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to do both levels without keeling over
  • I'm on day 29 of 30ds today and I have really enjoyed it. It was hard going the first few days as I am incredibly unfit. I can really see that my fitness has improved and I'm looking forward to taking my measurements tomorrow and then starting it all over again on Monday:D
  • I don't like the oily feeling of bio oil, I use palmers lotion for after pregnancy and weight loss, I love the smell and it rubs in well.
  • What a great link, I'm always looking for new walks
  • What an inspiration, I want to lose about 4 1/2 - 5 stone. Your looking great
  • Done...with difficulty, but done :D
  • I'll try but they'll have to be modified, I couldnt even do one full press up
  • Done 120 crunches and 30 bicycle crunches :D
  • I'm in, definitely gonna have to break them up though. :D
  • We're moving to Connor downs, I can't wait, my husband is originally from helston so we'll be close to his family at least
  • Thanks for the add :D
  • I got one yesterday in debenhams in uxbridge thanks to your heads up, all colours were on offer I think it was 20% off but the purple and red ones worked out the cheapest
  • Thanks for the circuit training tip never thought of that stupidly even though that's exactly what it is
  • I cook everything from scratch, I bought the hairy dieters book last week and since starting I have lost 5 lbs. the recipes are easy and so far each one I have tried has been delicious, also a lot of them are already pre programmed in to mfp
  • Hey good luck with the weight loss, you've taken the first step!!! That's an achievement in itself. I personally, not even taking into account my pharmaceutical training would suggest you try dieting without any kind of diet pill. When you lose the pounds you will know you have done it yourself, you can easily get all the…
  • I'm so sorry your friends and family aren't being more supportive. I would try to focus on how much weight you have lost than have them make you think about how much further you have to go. When I was younger I was bullied because of my weight and it made me turn to food, what I should have done was go for a walk, it…
  • I don't know if it will help but since you said you don't have time to prepare meals it might be an idea to use a slow cooker, I got one when I was working full time and put it on in the morning ( having done the food prep the night before) and when I came home from work dinner was ready, it's good for chillis, stews,…
  • Wow what an inspiration, I've been toying with the thought of getting the 30 day shred DVD and your pictures of before and after are amazing, you've just convinced me. Congratulations, you look amazing.
  • My fifteen month old tends to go for a nap every day around ten so If I have him and the baby fed and am dressed I put them both in the pram and head out for a walk, they both sleep in the pram and generally don't need fed again until 12 so I can be out for two hours walking. I would suggest that before the weather gets…
  • Hi congrats on the baby, I too have three month old and a fifteen month old, I found it easy to lose the weight after my first but this time I am struggling. It's hard finding time to exercise with babies around! Feel free to add me and we can maybe support each other to lose the baby weight. I'm from Ireland living in…
  • Hi there, I could do with a friend :) congratulations on the newborn!!! Your dedicated getting back into weightloss so quickly. I think if I have someone who I can rely on for support and who I can also help motivate it will keep me on track! I'm 26 and a mum of two ( 15 months and 3 1/2 months) so we have some of the same…
  • Your a real inspiration, I'm at the start of my weight loss journey and I really hope I can keep motivated like you have!