Hi. You CAN eat all the protein you want according to the book, but you're right. It's very filling so you may not need to eat much. He does say to limit nonfat fruit yogurts to one a day or none at all if you are extremely heavy or plateaued. I eat the Dannon lite&fit greek yogurts with the fruit bottoms so I'm getting a…
Depending on how crazy a eater you were before you could be suffering a little from sugar wothdrawal. It's in nearly every carb, not just desserts. Drink much more water when you crave and remember you don't have to be stingy with the protein.
So you've had a rough week and made your confession. It happens with everybody, that's why we're here to support. Back on it tommorrow. I know I've eatin wrong things due to frustrations. I'm sorry you're not getting support out of your doctors too. That's enough to make you nuts. Hope you find the right track soon.
Liz is right in that, logging your food is for you. Not anyone else. You don't even have to leave it open for others to look at. The point is to be honest with yourself over the portions, degree of healthyness of the food you're consuming, perhaps the time of day. You can learn things about yourself. For example, if you…
The folks above are right. It's hard to eat too many fruits if you are trying to lose fat in addition to eating healthy. It's been suggested to me to eat a fruit on days I exercise since I'll get an extra allotment of calories.
Some get cranky when they're dieting. ;-)
Really do appreciate the help. Not actually particularly interested in fasting. I've just never experienced this non hunger feeling til real recently and didn't quite know how to react. I will look up the 'WHEN' thing by Mark Sisson.
Thanks. I appreciate the info. I think the smart thing woulda been to sleep and have a hearty breakfast this morn. I'm sure I would have been ready for breakfast. I'm pretty sure if I made a plan to fast at a certain time, my mind would start playing psychological games with me and make me think I was just starvin. Better…
Thanks. I'm thinking you're right. Absolutely no history of not eating here. I guess trusting my body rather than doing what my mind tells me is the proper thing to do is a whole new thing for me. I used to listen to my body when I craved sugar and carbs and would binge. Listening back then got me in trouble.
My settings are real similar to Cerebrus189. She knows her stuff. Advised me to set mine the same way and I immediately began to drop again. My carbs are set at 50 grams to help with fat loss, protein is set to match my lean body mass (to much is not healthy for the liver), and the remainder is fat.
Seems a little jealousy is comming out in others that aren't as close to their goal. Don't worry. Patience is key. I don't know how to help without really knowing what your eating or how much exercise you're getting but I would make sure I was drinking enough water, try weights out more than cardio in the gym, and possibly…
I try to eat paleo style. We eat when we're hungry. We don't when we're not. All I can say is its working.
Hilarious. Your so insightful firerock.
You sound like a very healthy eater,so I wouldnt worry about a piece of fruit or two if it doesn't affect your weight loss and you have no issues with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, ect. An enormous amount of people though, Americans in particular, do have these issues however, and ought to treat sugar…
I eat my veggies with butter and cheese or bacon on top. Coffee with cream. Avocados, olives. Sometimes I'll even have coconut butter by the spoonful with bits of dark chocolate on it. Yum. When following the paleo diet Your not worried about lowfat anything. Just the right fats and as unprocessed as possible.
Amazing how when someone decides to lose fat their bones become smaller, Hmmm...
I follow the paleo diet and used the BMR calculator in tools above to figure calories. I actually added 100 calories per advise from another friend on this site. Have my macros set at 15%,60%,25%--carbs,fats, and proteins. The reason is because I don't want to eat over 50 grams of carb a day, (This will help with fat loss)…
The fella above me is right but I do have stevia packets that I use very very rarely. If I have iced tea in the evening I'll put a half a packet to a glass. I have coffee in the mornings with just half&half.
Feel free to friend me if you like. My diary is open.I'm your age and have 45 more lbs to lose but know this time I'm on my way to success. Have had weight challenges my entire adult life, plus pcos ( which drastically hinders my metabolism), however, I always knew that lowercarb diets worked best for me. I just couldn't…
Miss jensfitpal201, Check out for the general guidelines. A lot of people refer to it as the caveman diet. He ate animals, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, all unprocessed, of course. Generally anything before agriculture began.
I have pcos and am 42 now and have been on diets on and off my whole adult life. The only successful diets for me have trended toward lowcarb so you're on track. I was sure I had OPRAHED my metabolism into nonexistence but since following the paleo/primal style diet I feel like I've found what will work for me.I've finally…
The quick answer is, Looks. However, I've been in places where I notice someones personality first by their confidence, charisma, the way they draw people to them and have to admit, that's an super sexy trait in my eyes. If I saw that persons pic rather than met them and saw their demeanor, I may have passed on them right…
Read Jorge Cruises book, "The bellyfat cure". In it he explains the reasons many people have bathroom problems. Food full of antibiotics, preservatives, growth hormones, filler, and just general junk affects our systems and has basically destroyed most of our gut bacteria. (The bugs that cause your to bowels move). He also…
You don't look a day over 20 darlin.
Feel free to add me if you like. I like to get ideas from others diarys also. I'm a work in progress. :happy:
Zumba is a blast! I do it purely for fun at the gym 3 times a week and it burns a lot of calories. It's my playtime. BUT, be careful to protect your back, knees and ankles. If your trying to keep up and not already fairly fit, you could hurt yourself.