

  • Also if you have taken a before picture do a comparison. I saw changes in that before I ever saw the scale change.
  • Hang in there and try different things. I started in october last year and didnt lose a pound till january. It was so frustrating but I wanted it too bad to quit. I even had a doc apt scheduled to find out why when I finally started losing.
  • The only reason im not paleo is my meat isnt grassfed & I have a cheat day. Thats all you had to go off of. A lot of paleo people are 80/20 so my saturday burger is well within guidlines. I try my best bc this diet seems to work for me whatever you wanna call it. Broke paleo I suppose since I cant affort top dollar meat. A…
  • Thats why I said ish. & its a whole lot closer to paleo then other diets. & yes I follow the BASIC guidlines. Boo I guess im not paleo enough :'(
  • Ive been eating paleo-ish. I was on a 3 month plateau until I started that and have lost an average of 2 lb a week since. I dont like to call it paleo but it basically is. I dont seek out all organic or grassfed though. When I have a good streak of it it makes me feel great & I havent touched my huge bottle of pepto in…