

  • It would depend on which programs you are looking to train in. Best way is to continue doing Les Mills classes, it is best to be familiar and comfortable with the program you wish to teach. If you're looking for extra workouts or motivation try a Grit class, it is definitely a challenge but will get you super fit, super…
  • My current weights: Warmup 10kg Squats 37.5kg Chest 25kg Can't seem to increase this :( Back 30kg Triceps 20kg Biceps 15kg (Chest & biceps are my weakness!) Lunges usually just use plates in each hand as I have dodgy kness that don't cope with lunges very well. Shoulders 15kg on the bar & 5kg plates for hand weights. P.S.…
  • Definitely go light for your first session but you'll be surprised how quickly you can build up your weights. Do the class a couple of times with light weights until you get the hang of the format then start adding weight on 1-2 tracks at a time Eg: up your squat and back weights, then the next week try increasing your…