Re: fellow Body Pump(ers) what weights are you pushing?

Just curious, I recently challenged myself to step my game up. This is what i'm doing:
50 kg-squat, 50kg- chest, 60kg-back, 40kg-triceps, 30 kg,- biceps, 50kg -lunge, 40kg-shoulders

what are you doing and how often are you changing?



  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    I've only been doing Body Pump for about 2 months so still finding my feet and not lifting anything like you are!!!
    But I have already increased my weights so will continue to increase (by small amounts) every 6 weeks or so, although I imagin this may become longer as the weights get heavier.

    Happy pumping :-)
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Nowhere near what you're lifting, but then I'm a girl!

    Interestingly, the guys in our class do lift some serious weight, but we have a 'visiting' Pump instructor who was quite shocked, and said that nobody else he has ever come across lifted their kind of weights in class. Someone else visited a class in another town, and they all said the same; our instructor thought he must be advising them all incorrectly, so much so that he actually referred back to all his training stuff.

    Linzidq1, you'll probably find that there's an upper limit to what you can lift; they change the programme every few months to challenge your muscles in a different way, at which point I sometimes have to drop the weight back down for a couple of weeks.
  • As a body pump instructor of 7 years I have NEVER witnessed those kinds of weights - and I include the presenters in that! - I have had men trying to out lift me with weights that compromise their form, but it's incredibly rare that they can sustain the weight throughout a track, even with poor form and range of movement. They normally decide to listen to advice after that.

    I warm up on 10kgs
    Squats - 25 - 30kgs
    Chest - 15kgs
    Back - 17.5
    Triceps - 12.5
    Biceps - 10
    Lunges/legs - 15
    Shoulders - 10 on the the bar, 5 in hand weights for mac raises etc.

    With body pump, it's all about low weights and high repetitions -, the rep effect, technique, endurance and range of movement, it's resistance training, not body building or heavy lifting.
  • Hi there,
    i was trying to figure out if I had miscalculated my weights but i have not. I believe that each of the big weights are 10, the medium is 5 and the little ones we have are 2 1/2. So for example on the back track, i use 3 big ones on each side. I think that would be 60kg. Interestingly while i probably have a heavier back weight, my 2 big ones, one medium on each side for squat is often less that our instructors, all of whom are female. Most of them have 6 big plates of 10kg per on their bar.
    I hear you that this is not body building perse but the high rep effect is to build lean muscle which since I have been doing pump (about 2 years now) has enabled me to gradually increase my weights, hopefully with good form.
    Anyways, thanks for contributing :)
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    The largest weights that we have are 5kg, max on squats. Medium weights are 2.5kg and the small are 1.25kg. Jirmette, those are the kind of weights that most of us use.

    Our instructor is a man and does 45kg max on squats.
  • The largest weights that we have are 5kg, max on squats. Medium weights are 2.5kg and the small are 1.25kg. Jirmette, those are the kind of weights that most of us use.

    Our instructor is a man and does 45kg max on squats.

    These are the most common weight sizes.
  • so sorry everyone...i checked again at my gym to see what the weights are and i was so wrong. The weights are the kg but they are 5, 2.5 and 1.25. I think i was thinking in pounds but reporting in kg because the weights are in kg. Wow...sorry about that. thanks for the correction.
    With that in mind: my weights are:

    squats (25kg)chest (25kg), back (30kg), triceps (17.5kg), biceps (12.5-15kg), shoulders (17.5kg), lunges (25kg)
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    so sorry everyone...i checked again at my gym to see what the weights are and i was so wrong. The weights are the kg but they are 5, 2.5 and 1.25. I think i was thinking in pounds but reporting in kg because the weights are in kg. Wow...sorry about that. thanks for the correction.
    With that in mind: my weights are:

    squats (25kg)chest (25kg), back (30kg), triceps (17.5kg), biceps (12.5-15kg), shoulders (17.5kg), lunges (25kg)

    and there's me thinking you were superman :bigsmile:
  • superman indeed :)
  • adietz12
    adietz12 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I have been doing PUMP since Dec. 2009 three times a week. I LOVE it and it seems to be the exercise that I am strongest in. I also do STEP/ATTACK 3 times a week. Two FLOWS and two GRITs. Two CX. I am pretty into working out so my goal for the new year is one rest day a month. Anyway here are my weights for PUMP (total weight per track)
    Warm up: 33lbs
    Squats: 66lbs
    Chest: 33lbs (I can't seem to increase this. I have rotation issues)
    Back: 44lbs
    Triceps: 27lbs
    Biceps: 27lbs
    Lunges: 33lbs
    Shoulders: 27lbs.
    I just recently went up on shoulders and warm up. I would like to move up on Chest but am not even close to doing it yet. Hopefully Grit will help me get there.
  • benz981
    benz981 Posts: 2
    Been pumping at least 3 times a week for almost 2.5 years. My current weights are:

    Warm-Up: 15kg
    Squats: 35kg
    Chest: 25kg (on easy rotation day), 30kg (on hard rotation day)**
    Back: 25kg (on easy rotation day), 30 kg (on hard rotation day)**
    Triceps: 15kg (bar work), 20lbs (handweights for tricep raises)
    Biceps: 17kg
    Lunges: 15kg (when bar is used)
    Shoulders: 20lbs for handweights, 15kg for bar work

    **I switch easy and hard days with chest/back. On a day that I do 25kg for chest, I'll do 30kg for back. And vice versa on the next day.
  • benz981
    benz981 Posts: 2
    Hey I'm just curious... how come your squat weight is less than your back weight? Squats are supposed to be the heaviest. And I don't know about you, but when I do 30kg on back track, I'm screamin' by the end, haha!
  • My current weights:
    Warmup 10kg
    Squats 37.5kg
    Chest 25kg Can't seem to increase this :(
    Back 30kg
    Triceps 20kg
    Biceps 15kg (Chest & biceps are my weakness!)
    Lunges usually just use plates in each hand as I have dodgy kness that don't cope with lunges very well.
    Shoulders 15kg on the bar & 5kg plates for hand weights.

    P.S. I'm a fairly petite girl and love the stunned looks I get when throwing these kinds of weights around! :)
  • I love Bodypump - but I am too cautious..I see so many people doing BodyPump with weights heavier they can manage so there is a lot of bent backs, bad posture all around...I myself have had 2 hernias on one of my wrists so I have to keep my weights light, which I dont mind as by the time I get to lunges I am pretty tired :) Lunges are my worst...