Wow! That all looks good!
I have personally lost 25lbs in a three month time frame. It is possible with DISCIPLINE. Eating healthy and working our for at least 20 minutes 5 times a day helped me. I did taebo basic (found on youtube) which was only a 15-20 minute workout minus the warm up and cool down, and walked whenever I could. As far as eating,…
I'm starting today!
I'm interested! I'll add you as a friend and you can invite me to the group when it is available.
I know the feeling, but that's when your discipline kicks in and you just make yourself a small plate of food, or skip the food that's offered to you and bring your own lunch while you still participate in the workplace festivities. No matter what is going on around you, it's you that has set the goal for yourself to get…
I just had my first child February 5, 2013 and since giving birth I've lost 26 lbs. Before I became pregnant, I was 189 and trying to lose weight. Now I am at 197 and trying to get down to 165. I have been exclusively breastfeeding and don't really feel like breastfeeding is helping me shed pounds as quickly as people with…