

  • On a treadmill, it's easy to just jump off and not have to put any effort into getting back home whereas walking outdoors, after any amount of distance, you will have to put in the equal amount of effort to get back home. Perhaps it is psychological in that your mind has to fight the urge to quit (knowing how easy it is).…
  • I bought the Insanity workout for my wife and I a couple of months ago. After watching the fit test DVD, that alone made us realize we needed to first get our bodies used to consistent exercise before diving in to the Insanity program. I am committed to starting and finishing it just as soon as I feel my body can handle…
  • My birth state is Texas (lived mostly in Plano), but Georgia has been home for almost 16 years now. Just got started with My Fitness Pal, so... Hello Y'all! oh, and Atlanta often feels like Dallas when the humidity is up.