

  • Dezbie, EVERYONE I've talked to has felt the same way. I think for me it's because it's not reversible. My food habits are really tough to break, and as I sit here on Day 5 post-op I really am missing food. I don't even like sweet potatoes but am really looking forward to it on Week 3. Thanks for the update. I've decided…
  • Did your dr prescribe Levsin? I take it ever 4-6 hours and it stops stomach spasms....
  • Holly, I had my surgery last Thursday, July 10. I went to sign consents on Monday and he worked me in for Thursday. That only left me 1 1/2 days to eat. I felt like I'd gotten cheated and thought of all the things I didn't get to say "goodbye" to....The night after my surgery I thought, "Lord, what have I done!" I admit, I…
  • I just joined the group and I am finding it very helpful to read y'all's comments. I'm still in the hoop jumping stage but hope to have surgery end of May/first of June. I love reading the weight loss tallies and struggles because those are some fears I have. I'll keep reading and just know y'all's advice is appreciated!