I too stay in the 30 range, all from veggies with the OCCASIONAL fruit for a "sweet" treat. So far it seems to be working. My A1C has gone from 9.1 on March 18, to a 6.2 as of last week, plus 32 lbs down. I am still treating solely with diet and exercise, no meds. Still LOTS of room for improvement, but I am moving in the…
I have had the same problems with my morning sugars. As a result, my readings after breakfast are usually higher. It is quite frustrating. I have tried the snack before good. I have also tried the good. I have noticed that the numbers are 10-15 points lower in the mornings on the weekends after I…
I am still learning as well. I have had problems not with too much protein, as much as not enough of everything else. I was eating all protein for breakfasts and couldn't figure out why my sugar was high 2 hours later. To me 0 carb=lower sugar. I was wrong. I have been adding fat and carbs in the form of veggies to my eggs…
I was on Metformin years ago. I dropped weight, balanced BG levels, had a baby, lots of life things and went off of it. My levels and A1C have been great until the last couple of months. My doctor prescribed Glipizide, but I am not currently taking it. I had some other health non-diabetic related issues and am no longer…
I see how my phrasing could be confusing. I know that fruits and veggies have carbs. I am avoiding HIGH carb items such as bread, pasta, potatoes, yada yada yada. I am eating lots of leafy veggies and even some not leafy ones. LOL. However, I have not been eating fruit. I know that it usually has a higher sugar content…
Thanks for the help! I will try adding some veggies or something to an omelet instead of just having eggs. I have been avoiding fruit as well as carbs. I recently tried strawberries again and the first time, not a problem. Sugar was 123. Second time, a spike. I am still experimenting, for lack of a better term, with…
I too am a diabetic who is trying to control my sugar levels without medication or insulin. I have been doing low carb for right at a month and am already down 16 pounds. My A1C was 9.something and is now estimated at 7.5. The first 2 weeks were the hardest. I had many a melt down feeling like I couldn't eat anything I…