

  • I'm a vet assistant. I'm on my feet, restraining dogs and cats and running around the clinic. Ha, the doctor...yeah, I haven't been to one in about 10 years. I know I should, but I'm scared. My diet isn't bad, I don't eat crap foods. Fruits and veggies, I take vitamins (Fish oil, B12, D and C) every morning. I may…
  • Thanks everyone. I'll definitely keep everything said in mind! :) I'm really ready to change and I really need to quit with the dumb excuses.
  • I would totally be out walking and jogging before work if I lived closer. The walk during lunch is such a great idea and I've thought about it, but by lunch I'm starving and exhausted, I just want to sit and eat and cherish my 1 hour lunch. My job is a bit...physical, hence me being constantly tired. But I guess focusing…
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