CDH786 Member


  • Try the Joe Wicks YouTube video. @thebodycoach (on twitter)
  • If you value your social life, think again. My sister and brother in law visited me last year for 2 weeks, and had become Vegan before they came. I love my sister and they have visited us many times in the past. However, this time it was a complete nightmare and I will never ask them to stay with us again. Shopping was a…
  • I decided to eat what I am served while visiting family but keep honest track of calories and when at home again try to compensate by sticking to strict 1200 calories for every day I went into the red. I am giving myself until January 1st before weighing again as i know i have gained but dont want to depress myself. So…
  • Thanks so much for your kind words. It is just the encouragement I need and I do hope you are managing to maintain your new slim self as well. I would like to see a star system or similar for those of us on maintenance so we can collect points for being within 2 lbs of our target weight for every month after reaching…
  • Hi Clare, I expect your body is still making up for the week before - I often find a delayed result. If I am really good one day, the next day I seem to not have lost anything, but the day after I see the result. On my maintenance I am sticking to my normal (slimming) regime but adding one extra treat per day. Last night I…
  • You have to think about how you are going to maintain your new low weight once you reach your target. You have to eat and exercise in a way that is acceptable long term. So 5 weeks or 10 weeks to reach target doesn't really matter so long as you reach it and STAY SLIM. I think that if you push yourself too hard to achieve…
  • I tried them but since they are dairy based, made things worse. I eat soya yoghurt and if I see soya based pro-biotics would have them but they are few and far between. If you have any issues with dairy or lactose, my advice is to avoid them.
  • Hi - I'm UK and have only been using MyFitnessPal for 2 weeks but find it very helpful to track food. I am curious - if you put away too many calories on one day, do you try to make up for it the next by eating less, or do you still allow yourself the full recommended calorie count starting each day? I have been trying to…
    in US v UK Comment by CDH786 August 2012