

  • I get a super good sweat going on the elliptical , I do intervals and spend 45 minutes on it. That is 500 calories burned and my heart rate goes way up there. I also do running intervals on the treadmill and find it is way more difficult. I feel it in my legs while running (and ankles) , but find that I pay for it the next…
  • Nothing tastes as good as lean and fit feels. I also talk to myself on the treadmill and the elliptical and the stationary bike on a regular basis. Do you think that it will just melt away? Or, you are done when your are done!
  • Add me too, I too am a newbie and need to lose about 60 lbs. I'm currently 209 because I slacked off terribly over the weekend and the past couple of days and BOOM added a few lbs right back on. I like exercising and do it very regularly but have huge issues around food and have for many years. I quit smoking 6 years ago…
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