

  • Welcome, I too am new to this and I am determined to get to my goal weight as well so we can do it together!
  • I am so in, I will work extra hard to reach this in the 19 days left for Nov...Good luck to everyone!
  • I too am a newbie I have been doing this for a few days and still trying to get the hang of all this and will be fighting to lose the weight. I have tried many different programs and have stopped. I need someone that can give me a push and I feel that I can get it here.
  • I am starting all over myself once again, I think it was going to the doctors yesturday to see that I have gained 11 lbs in 6 months I am just sickened to know that I really havent kept to my diet and hoping that I can get the support here as well as at home. My husband and I both also are diabetics and I have to lose this…