

  • Friday is usually a day where i go out after work so dont work out, i think making an effort to get up early and go in the morning might be worth a try, thanks!
  • i dont think I am as im never over full and not feeling bloated. i just think the weekend days are ruining it all- even though they arent that bad! Will be adding more weights to the end of the week and hopefully that should work!
  • i really look forward to my snacks, as i love rasberries and backberries and the nuts really fill me up, but i may have to mix it up! im just having 2 of them boiled or scrambled with a dash of milk.
  • Thanks! i sure hope so! i am not letting the lack of results de-motivate me as i know i will certainly see nothing if thats the case!
  • Thanks! At body pump i do use as much weight as i can handle.. and have noticed its getting easier so will up and up it. I definately need to add something in at the weekend i think- might also help me to make better choices food wise as well.
  • I try not to count them as much much anymore so i dont obsess about food all day long (not that it helps) but Its around 1200-1500 and im 5"9 so dont think im over eating- when im good! on a bad day i would probably maybe only go to 2000-2200. will add in some extra abs as you said earlier.. Will definately try to add more…
  • i really enjoy body pump! and the Spin, just need to know what im doing is on the right track becuase i really want results! i do try to eat clean food- so have eggs and banana for breakfast, chicken or tuna salad for lunch and meat and vege for dinner, with raw almonds and berries for snacks.. i have definately upped the…
  • I have protein for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and meat and vege for dinner, with raw almonds and berries for snacks.. i am not hungry and have all my food planned out but i just caht stop thinking about how i really feel like this or really feel like that.. i then end up snacking on naughty things and feeling…
  • I am in a similar boat, i started dieting about 8 weeks ago and havent been losing anything, i go to the gym about 3-4 times per week and eat three healthy meals per day with raw almonds and berries for snacks 3 hours between my meals.. it all goes well and next thing i no i am stuffing my face with crisps or chocolate. if…