skeeterrose1 Member


  • Slowly cut down on eating meat, substitute in meat looking veggie options at first, then slowly get away from things that look like meat. Find yourself a good multi vitamin, so you're getting everything you need while you reinvent your eating habits. Vegetarian magazine/cook books can be super helpful if you can't think of…
  • I've had my fitbit about 6 months I got it right after joining MPF I wasn't happy with MFP general active levels, mostly because I have a very active job and wanted to get a better understanding of what I was actually burning. After using the fitbit for a while I realized that I was burning a lot of calorie per day about…
  • I refuse to give up the way I like my coffee Hazelnut skim milk 2 sugars. I have one a day, and it better taste the way I want it to. Nothing worse then giving up something you really want to have, so I don't :)
  • Magic Bullet is what I have and it's great!!
  • Pumpkin Smoothie This makes around a 400 calorie 24 oz smoothie 1 banana 1 cup of pumpkin 1 Greek 0% fat yogurt plain 1 1/2 Tbsp ground Flax seed 2 tsp of pumpkin pie spice 1 cup of Almond Milk 4 drops of stevia for sweetness This smoothie is soooo good
  • I've read all the posts here and it sounds very much like everyone is suggesting great ideas and you're just giving them a bunch of excuses. You are they only one that makes decisions for you. You have to want to change, not find reason you can't. If you wanted to eat healthier you would find a way. The fact is that eating…
  • Grew up in Stoughton Ma. Live in Little Rhody now feel free to add me. I have an open diary :)
  • Just tell her what you just wrote here. She may not agree with it but it's your body if you feel healthier you should do it.
  • I love Vegetarian Times magazine, they have an online edition too. They have great simple recipes and there is always something new :)