

  • I am so happy you decided to come out and join us. Losing weight on my own was difficult to say the least. I needed friendship and people who knew what I was going through. I found that here and I am thankful I found this site. You will find lots of support and friendship here. Welcome, if you want to add me as a friend I…
  • Hi, I am also a type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed 25 years ago. I gained quite a bit of weight when I was put on an insulin pump. For a long time I did not realize that if my basal insulin along with meal Insulin we not correct I would gain weight. I finally talked to My diabetes team about the problem and we worked on…
  • Hi Tanya, My name is Carlene, I go by Okietippersnap. I am not really new here. I started here back about October 2010 but did not post very regular until last week due to health issues of my husband and then me. Anyway I've started back again. I too am looking for friends too. I am 53 and also have three grown children. I…
  • Hi Claire This place is a good place to be. The people here are very supportive and friendly. Please try to log in as often as you can. If you would like you can add me as a friend to your friends list. Good luck with your goal!