New to the boards, MFP user for 40ish days

Forty-five days ago I started my final attempt to lose weight. I say final because I am not going to fail this time and won't need to try again.

A week (and 3 lbs so my ticker is slightly off) into my weight loss a co-worker told me about MFP and I have fallen in love. I find myself checking everything I eat and figuring out what is best for me nutrition wise and feel so lost if I don't. My daughter laughs at me because even with a reward "cheat" meal, I still figure out what would be a bonus meal without completely and totally blowing my daily calories.

I have been skimming the boards and finding so much inspiration with posts and pictures I thought it was time I stop lurking and say howdy.

I do weekly weigh ins and as of my last one, I have lost 20 lbs, (again, my weight here is a little off because I didn't log it at first) and I have many more to go to reach my goal but for the first time in a long time I am feeling confident I can do it. I told my daughter this morning that more than the number on the scale right now, what makes me the happiest is two things: One, I can get my old favorite pair of jeans up over my hips and almost to the point of buttoning again. And the second, probably the best for me...I notice a difference in how my stomach is looking and I can't be more excited about it.

Thanks for all the inspiring posts I have read so far and hope to talk with people along our journeys to self happiness.


  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    Well it's about time you poked your head up and said hello! Congrats on your success so far and keep it up!

  • I am so happy you decided to come out and join us. Losing weight on my own was difficult to say the least. I needed friendship and people who knew what I was going through. I found that here and I am thankful I found this site. You will find lots of support and friendship here. Welcome, if you want to add me as a friend I will accept! Happy weight loss journey to you!