

  • If you can find the P90x ab workout, that is the best. It hits all the muscles in your abs and back to strengthen at the same time. If you know someone who P90x, they may be able to burn you a copy of the ab workout. I was sore for days from it but it has amazing results.
  • Couch to 5k is great. You can also google training to run a 5k. It will give you a breakdown of what you need to do. Start out slow. Don't rush. Make sure you do exercises to help alleviate the shin splints. Stretch, stretch, stretch.
  • Congratulations on taking the first step to getting healthy. Just know, YOU CAN DO IT! There comes a time in our lives when we MUST put ourselves first. Baby steps to start though. We are all here for you cheering you on and encouraging you when you have tough days.
  • Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Please keep us updated and we will be cheering you on along the way. Congratulations! YOU CAN DO IT!
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