New and Need Support!

I have found myself in a rut. I've struggled with weight my whole life, but was always active so I could mostly keep it in control. After finishing school (sports, intramurals, roomate workouts) and getting medically discharged from the military, I got married and had kids (a wonderful 5 yr old boy and a 2 yr old fiesty girl). My lifestyle changed. My husband eats unhealthy and has the metabolism I could only dream of, but I adopted his food habits for some brainless reason. As busy as I feel I always am, I'm obviously more sedentary that I'd like to think. So with the different, unhealthy, food, having 2 kids and not exercising like I used to, I've gained about 60 lbs in 7 years. It's insane. I'm so disappointed in myself . I'm starting to have weight related problems with my feet (plantar fasciitis), I get winded far more easier than ever before and my dress size is embarrassing. I can't buy any cute underwear anymore, let alone clothes. I'm tired and I needed a change. I know my weight from the doctor, but I need to get a scale (not very excited about that) to really see some results.

In the meantime I've started my goal. Different foods and some exercise. 2lbs per week is my initial goal. I'm a believer in gradual steps to make it easier to not feel like everything is so unattainable. This week is going... better than expected but not as good as I would hope. I'd like to meet people on here for LOTS OF SUPPORT, meal tips, success stories, someone to laugh with, cry with and people who struggle like me so that when we have a bad day, we can vent to each other. I would even be open to meeting people in person to get a work out in - go for a run, join some local sports... anything to keep me motivated.


  • Lexyvaness
    Congratulations on taking the first step to getting healthy. Just know, YOU CAN DO IT! There comes a time in our lives when we MUST put ourselves first. Baby steps to start though. We are all here for you cheering you on and encouraging you when you have tough days.
  • allermom
    allermom Posts: 10
    your not alone, underwear look like parachutes! when i hold up my pants i look at them in shock, wide as they are i just don't wanna believe i fit them. i'm trying to keep it real though, 1 pound a week. a pound is a pound and they add up as far as i'm concerned. i'm ok with that for now. i'll remain satisfied with a pound a week just so long as i don't backslide and gain any weight. i hope you reach your goal. it's one day at a time, don't beat yourself up! you can do this!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    You can do it!!! Support, consistency and persistence will get your goal! You go girl!!
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    don't wory about getting a scale. Too many people get hung up on the wrong numbers, buy a measuring tape. Sometimes when the scale isn't moving the measurements are still steadily going down. Remember the little things add up in the beginning. Park further from the store, go for an evening walk or bike ride with the family, take the kids to the park and actively play with them, don't just sit and watch (this is what I did). Eventually you will want to do even more. Good luck!
  • MelissaOnPurpose
    MelissaOnPurpose Posts: 111 Member
    We can totally do this! I would also recommend not getting a scale. Go off of how your clothes fit and pictures and measurements! It's better for you!

    Sending you a friend request now! :)
  • Carolina_Skys
    Carolina_Skys Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me!! Take things slow like you said, and make sure to log what you eat, even on bad days. You can do it!!!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • lindab405
    lindab405 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm brand new here too, and would love to be your friend. We can all use the support and encouragement!