iamnotjerry Member


  • Thanks...I have not uploaded photos from PB for years... anyway you get the drift. Loosing so fast caused a few issues...but working on them. 195 is my goal.
  • The photo bucket thing is a hassle,,,, sorry was trying to remove this post. was going to show a side by side. <a href="http://s23.beta.photobucket.com/user/DBTS/media/177fe3e4-4335-4f16-adbb-524bd30f5860_zpsc0acb603.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img…
  • A cheeseburger? Looks goods, but has no health benefits at all. If you eyes are hungry, eat up:) When I first started eating healthy I had to stop at McD's on a trip. I could only order their salad and then I threw half of the toppings away.
  • Appreciate your efforts today. However, I remain confused as to what Fitbit states on MFP as opposed to the FB site. For me I will continue to log my exercise routine as best I can on MFP and monitor the info from FB site. I do not add a lot of calories that I need to burn, even at week's end. In fact I am usually way…
  • I work next to numerous people at the gym who do not adhere to this way of lifting. I notice that they jerk and their body is not aligned. For me doing more sets of 10 slow with lighter weights burns and is paying off. I am working my way back to lifting after a heart attack Fast reps would surely serve to stop me from…
  • I worked with 3 trainers. The last trainer I had firmly believed (for me) that less weight with more reps was better. He taught me to lift slow, holding the weights as to feel the burn. Worked with bands a lot and just the bar without weights. Also taught me to keep my body/back erect. I usually do cardio 1st, but will try…
  • I find that the best method, but now a lot of what I eat do not contain bar codes, such as veggies, fruits, fish.
  • Thank you for the information and I will check out Calorie Counter.com. MFP is a great tool. I am really watching my intakes of sodium, fats, cholesterol more than exact calories. According to MFP I am always way under each day. Having a better picture will help. Glad you appreciate the Jerry reference. It is the name of…
  • I wish you the best and will tell you everyone is different. For me it scared me straight. The benefits from the healthy lifestyle is fantastic.
  • Thanks for the tip. Most restaurants I do go to are Chinese/Japanese, etc. I love sushi so it is my guilty pleasure. I am close to the University of Iowa in Iowa City which have many health conscious eateries and stores.
  • I was on a vegan board for about 10 minutes to get support on eating correctly, etc. They said you are going to quit fish soon right? I could read but not post. I said I was going to eat fish and they discontinued my membership. I am not a tree hugger per say, but acknowledge their principals. Sorry to hear of the loss of…
  • Heart attack 8/12 99% blockage, required 2 stents. At 57 it meant a complete lifestyle change, which I embrase daily.