susanrsocal Member


  • I have done bouts (weeks at a time) of very restricted calories (yes, significantly less than the 1200 cals), but I eat very specific foods(equal protein to vegetable ratio) in certain measurements (eliminate grains and sugar, etc) - and then follow up w/ weeks of eating 2000+ calories (increased fat but still eliminate…
  • Biking, that's how I got in the best shape of my life. And the motion of cycling actually helps "lube" the joints.
  • Good Luck to all of us. I think alot of us are in similar boats. I for one refuse to be irresponsible about my health and continue to be vigilant about holding myself accountable. ;-)
  • Glad you're motivated and congratulations on your results!! I hope your calories are not too low to maintain for the long term.
  • Great job Nathan! Congratulations on keeping your eye on the long term goal.
  • I am 41 years old and I've NEVER had a food allergy in my life......or so I thought. About 6 months ago dappled in CrossFit and most the CF community promotes a Paleo (or Primal) diet. So I changed to 95% Paleo friendly diet, and then tried an experiment for 3 days I added gluten/sugar back into my diet (pastas, tortilla…