

  • I was a stick when I was young. I've steadily gained over the years. I realize more and more it's not about dieting. I've been on every diet around. Now I'm going-one day at a time- thinking positive thoughts, not beating myself up if I slip, and trying my best to eat healthy, get exercise in, and pray! I have good days…
  • Yes! I still feel that way. I struggle every day. However, I try to be kind, loving, and thoughtful-to others and to myself. I have been off and on this plan too many times to tell. I WILL STILL KEEP ON KEEPING ON! You can, too. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • I'm going to give it a try. I'd be happy if I lost 4 pounds this month. It will be a real challange. I'm going on a 3 day retreat where food is catered, and, I'm going to Virginia for 6 days to visit my sister (and we eat out quite a bit). So, good luck to me and good luck to all!:flowerforyou:
  • Have you tried Macha tea? I was using it for a couple of weeks but stopped because there was a lot going on in my life. I plan on going back on. I was told when I bought it that it helps with energy and weight loss. I wasn't on it long enough to notice. So, I will try again. Donna:flowerforyou:
  • Hi All! I just noticed what the Challange is. I'm going to try-from now on--Sept. 15th! I have lost 2 pounds this month but I don't want to count that! So, onward and upward---or, maybe, downward!:flowerforyou:
  • What kind of shakes? I like to vary my meal plans. I've been a member for about 6 weeks. I've lost 6 pounds. It is a struggle. I love carbs-especially sweets. But, I'm working on it! Thanks Donna:smile: You can add me, too!:wink:
  • Thanks for your thoughts! I, too, broke my ankle-last Sept.. It was broken in 3 places. I had surgery and months of rehab. Walking is not much fun. I'm thnking maybe I should join our local community center and just walk in the pool for an hour. Maybe 3 times a week. How does that sound? ( I've tried water aerobics. I'm…
  • You look sooo great! You are an inspiration! Your husband must be speechless. BTW Give him a warm thank you for his service to our country!
  • Hi! I'm, new at this plan. You look great! I have been struggling with what to eat. I just paid the $47. and wondering if you got the whole plan and whether it has more info.. I know I'm missing something because when I count the calories I'm fine but it must be wrong because my carb count is really high! I lost 2# the…