Thank you all I learned something new today :wink:
I wasnt implying cleansing was to loose weight. Maybe I wrote my post wrong. I guess what I am looking for is advice on how to stray away from the sugar and carbs I crave daily.
Thank you <3
What do I type in to search for walking with a load when entering it into mfp?
Im a baby wearer and I love some tips for exercise too!!! If you are just a walker and are actively trying to loose weight what amount of time walking would you need to spend in order to burn a sufficient amount of calories to help out?
Its been a week for me with no Soda and mainly cutting everything out but water and I had 2 small juice boxes this week. It is hard because I really enjoy carbonation too. I dont like the taste of diet soda which makes it worse for me because I drink the regular stuff. Good luck to you I am sure you can do it!
You can totally tell! You looks great keep working hard. Amazing job!
Dear 16 year old me, Enjoy these years of your life. Don't give up your friends for boys! And stop thinking you are fat. Work hard and take birth control more seriously because in 2 years your going to become a mom!. Your daughter is the best thing that has happened to you but seriously a few years down the road may have…
Feel free to add me. I am needing some new active friends on here.
Do you freeze the zip locks or just keep them in the fridge for the week?
Thank you all for the websites and ideas! I am going to have to check all these out
Thank you. What do you like to call it? Just curious?
saving for later :)
Im already behind Ive slacked all weekend although we did walk on the beach today but I didnt track distance. Tomorrow I am going to work hard and start!!! How do you all track your miles? Id love some app ideas.
Thank you Im downloading it now :)
Oh that didnt work.
You have to add the ticker code every time you make a post? <a href=""> <img border="0" src=""></a>
How do I add another ticker to my profile?? I want to add a running one?
I'm in and plan to work hard!!! Anyone have an good iphone apps for tracking miles and such?
I agree to watch Fat, Sick and nearly dead. There is a ton of info out there and lots of recipes. I was juicing for awhile and really need to get back into it. Thank for the reminder :) and good luck to you. Feel free to add me if you want and maybe we can share experiences.
This seems like an awesome thread!!! Are you planning on doing the same for Feb? I would love to join in.
Thank you I am gonna check out that website and look into getting some new shoes!
I havent ran in forever. I use my shoes to walk in around town but other than that I use the elliptical and just the past 3 weeks started running. Maybe I need to get some new shoes. I am normally a flip flop wearer so wearing shoes doesnt happen a lot for me mostly when I am working out or its raining outside.
It seems like it would be horrible to wait 6 months :( I have an elliptical at home and it never hurts my shins but this boot camp class has been hard on them I guess. We have been doing a lot more running around. Maybe I should look into getting some better shoes although I have some nice Nike shoes I have been using. I…
Thank you ladies... I got done about an hour ago and they are still throbbing! I think I am gonna put some ice on them now.
Ill be your friend. I love to have other moms to collaborate with! I have a five year old daughter.
Do those have chest straps? Where could I get a good deal on one?
It goes on your wrist but it can a feature that you touch and it shows ur heart rate I wonder if its checking it when I am not touching it.
Well I ended up buying a Reebok one I have a question though. When I touch this certain part of the watch it checks my heart rate. When working out do I need to be doing this throughout my workout to get an accurate read of the calories burned?