missusjess Member


  • A great resource is veggieboards.com I'm also a fan of anything by Dr. Neal Barnard and the PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) I am a 3-year vegetarian who is dabbling in veganism :)
    in Veggie Comment by missusjess June 2013
  • I've been lacto-ovo vegetarian for just over a year now. I'm starting to give up dairy though. I think one of the biggest misconceptions about vegetarians is that we don't get enough protein. Without trying, I regularly meet the "recommended" protein levels... I just think Americans are obsessed with protein. Personally, I…
  • Lacto ovo vegetarian here. :) Just wanted to wish you luck! I am still pretty new to vegetarianism, having started in the spring. I love cooking with vegetables, beans (it's soup season!) and am a huge fan of brown rice and quinoa, which are great protein sources! I have been lazy lately and need to pay attention to my…