

  • Thank you! I do love stir-fry. I honestly just forget about it! :)
  • Only 3??? ugh! umm 1) Moulin Rouge 2) P.S. I Love You 3) I Love You, Philip Morris Not necessarily in that order. And sometimes those trade out with others. :)
  • I love NMTZ! It helped me tone, tighten, and lose weight. Of course, it wasn't the only thing I was doing, but it made me feel stronger and better. I have tried BFBM, and I don't like. Don't get me wrong, it's effective! It just wasn't my favorite. I've also used Six Week Six Pack, 30 Day Shred, and Yoga Meltdown. I mix…
  • My family also tells me I'm not big and don't need to lose weight. But it's not just about weightloss. It's about a lifestyle change to feel better and to have a healthier life! Don't worry about that. Eat healthy, exercise and people will start to notice the difference in you.Soon, you will probably have people asking you…
  • I remember when I started writing down calories...OMG! I am short and don't need nearly the amount I was consuming. I also have a sweet tooth that seems impossible to tame. During stressful times, I eat, eat, eat! We all need support when we are craving! I find that the key is not cutting out all sweets but moderating…
  • Hi Jamie, It definitely is hard to lose even 15 or 20lbs! I lost about 20-25lbs about a year ago and gained back about 15 in one stressful semester! Sometimes, we plateau! And it sucks! But that may be what happened to you. It sounds like you follow a good routine...maybe change your workout? This can help boost…