phoennix3 Member


  • Interestingly enough, I have just completed a study of famously creative people with specific brain disorders. The focus was on four disorders: Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Alzheimer's and epilepsy. My main concern was finding a correlation between musical creativity and bipolar... in doing so, I also found that most famous…
  • Please do. Anything that helps people re-evaluate the way they see things can only be good.
  • Hello there!... To answer your questions directly. Muscle weighs twice as much as fat. The heavier the weights at a low rep increases muscle mass. The lighter the resistance at a faster pace increases muscle tone. If you want to lose weight, you would have to be mindful of these facts. Try adding swimming and cycling to…
  • The only thing to focus on is intake / output. If you are taking in less than you are putting out you will lose the rest. I have not given myself a hard time limit. If I do I suspect that I may be disappointed close to any deadline I set. Use this as an opportunity to change the way you think about food, from the ground…