tsaalyo Member


  • I lol'd, but sadly, this is true. "Natural" does not mean "eat all you want."
  • Good plan, until you discover some new delicious food that, egad, actually is like 800 calories a serving, but you never bothered to even look at the nutritional info because " it's paleo, it's natural, it's gotta be healthy." I'm sorry, there is nothing magical about your weight. If you want to reliably maintain, you NEED…
  • There is ALWAYS the need for counting calories. Always. Your weight is an equation of calories in vs. calories out. That's IT. There are no magical foods. If you eat 10,000 calories worth of organic salad in a day, you will gain weight. If you eat 1,500 calories worth of KFC in a day, you won't. All food plans are…
  • I know this isn't the point of this thread, but I really feel the need to say something. What you eat doesn't matter. Your weight is the simple equation of calories in vs. calories out. That's IT. Yes, there are certain foods that are like 20 calories and yet 40 grams of trans fat, but those are very few and very far…
  • I set my daily sugar limit to 134 grams. Sugar is not the devil. It's just not. Yes, you shouldn't drink five 2L bottles of Pepsi a day, but a can or two a day, and whatever sugar is in whatever the typical person eats, is just fine. I'm sure people will jump down my throat over this, but I'm just speaking from my healthy,…
  • I've only tried the green coffee stuff. Yes, they do work. The kind I took is with svetol, and nothing else. 200 mg per capsule. Don't go for those kinds with other stuff in them. Those additives do nothing. Now, it's not going to make you drop tens of pounds automatically. But in the first week of using them, I lost three…