wow I hop my end story will mirror yours:)
I will agree wth the ton on this! It is not silly crazy or way out there you are in inspiration to this couch potato
I am so glad that I am not the only person with this issue. I am a big girl and eat alot o I have learned a few tricks of the trade. when the munchies hit and they can hit hard, I will drink a glass of warm water. Then I will cut up several salks of celery and carrots,enough for the wholeday, place them in ice water in the…
this year we are having Prie Rib, seasoned baked potatoes, yeast rolls,bread pudding, cranberry sause, asparagus.
since I have hadto change my eating habbits from proessed artificial everything to a natrual as my wallet can buy...I blend some ice one banana, three strawberries, a handfull of blueberries and an occasional apple together and it is the best smoothie. I am restricting my dairy intake so I omit the yogurt.
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