

  • I have done p90x and it is by far one of the best work-outs you can do! Results are fast and phenomenal! Hang in there. Plyo is probably the hardest video in the stack. It will become a love/hate relationship. Follow the instructions closely because I had to pull back due to back issues after plyo. I don't think that it…
  • This is a great tool and a little addicting but I think it will help you on your journey! Good luck and feel free to invite me as a friend to encourage you along the way!!
  • I think you can get the polar watches/chest straps at academy. Super easy to use and I really like knowing my heart rate and calories burned. it keeps me in my zone...
  • I am dreading it too so it really helped to compare notes so to speak with all of you guys! We have two official "Turkey Day" Celebrations and they are both filled to the max with all of my favorite Fat-filled foods! I feel like I have been working hard and will continue to keep working hard and as long as I don't go…
  • Sweets for the most part...Sometimes I cheat but I find myself just eating a portion of it, not the whole thing anymore. Just don't want to have to record the calories. Can't remember the last time I had a soda. Don't miss it anymore-not worth the extra calories for sure! Trying not to deprive myself of anything I really…