

  • Thanks everyone. I hate to cook but I guess I am gonna have to get over it. I do drink water all day. Besides milk, it is the only thing I drink. I also hate salads so, again, I will have to get over it. I did go buy almonds. I also do put peanut butter on my banana sometimes. Will just have to start cooking!
  • Breakfast: Quakers Weight Control Oatmeal - Maple & Brown Sugar Snack: Honey Crisp Apple Lunch: Lean Cuisine Spinach, Cheese & Chicken Panini Snack: banana with Peanut Butter (2 tbsp) Dinner: Lean Cuisine Bbq Chicken Pizza (soooo good!) I am working toward cooking more (never cook, ever!). need to find some good & fast low…
  • I find that having a glass of skim milk helps fill me up. I have a glass with my oatmeal in the morning. I dont like the calories associated with Milk but I remember Jilian on Biggest Loser telling her ppl to drink milk. So I figure its good for me and it does fill me up.