

  • I don't eat before I go out running either, but have a toasted bagel when I return, before I go to work
  • I've just started running and I'm finding it so frustrating that I have to keep the speed way down while I'm learning. My best power walking speed over a usual 10 mile route is 4.7mph. My running speed at the moment is about 4.5mph and I can only run for about 20mins which is only about 100 calories burned. However I can…
  • If you're muscles are shaking and you feel like you're gonna throw up then you're body is telling you to stop and recover. The workouts are designed by experts and you should just stick to the plan and have some patience :)
  • Why do you feel like this?
  • I'll try and do the same this Friday
  • If you can afford it then have a look at Shock Absorber priced £20 - £50 (They're on sale at JJB Sports if you're in the UK) I personally prefer the Champion brand, all on one and seamless. Pricey, but not as expensive as others. And yes, you buy your normal bra size but get measured if you've not done so for a while
  • Just wanted to say thanks to all who have posted support here, it's fantastic and will keep me motivated for weeks to come :) xxx
  • Hi rosebett, you're welcome :) I was a smoker for 35 years too and since I quit there have been a couple of times where I have missed it, but I find the cravings have been quite easy to deal with this time, they only last a couple of minutes so I breathe nice and deep during them and be thankful that I'm only breathing in…
  • My instinct is telling me that you need patience, nothing else. You sound as though you know what you are doing, but want the end result too quickly. Try being the tortoise and not the hare :) and good luck
  • Well done on your challenge so far. Yes, you will build muscle which is actually heavier than fat, so for a while your weight loss will slow down or stop. Don't be discouraged, starting an exercise programme is great for you, stick with it, you will feel the benefits soon
  • You also need to remember that if you are starting a new exercise (like your plans to go road running) your body will start buiding muscle which is heavier than fat so you may find that you are not losing anything at all and be tempted to eat even less. Be very careful to fuel your exercising properly or you will be…
  • Long distance power walking - I'm sub 13min miles pace once I get going and will now try to do at least one 10 mile walk a week. I love tracking the slow joggers and making them go faster to get away from me lol (although I don't do that as much now because I have taken up running too) Easy on the old joints and burns…
  • A toasted cinnamon and raisin bagel with a glass of water and a cup of tea, which was straight after my 25min run
  • Just signed up to the site yesterday and it's brilliant! Start weight: 125 Goal weight: 110 I know it doesn't look like much but I'm only 5' 2" tall and I really want to shift the extra stone I put on when I hit the menopause and stopped smoking. I have a 26th wedding anniversary trip on 11th Sept so hoping that this group…
  • Thanks for your encouragement. Yes I'm sticking to a good running plan and am keeping the speed down to round about my power walking pace, after learning the hard way - doing too much, too fast, too soon the first time :)