mtowerofstrength Member


  • Can you teach me how to make the granola bars? I would love it
  • To BrendaLee I know what you are saying, we get depressed when we make the wrong choices. WE eat before we think, lets try our best to remember that we deserve it, we can be healthy, we can lose this, Madeline Thu 11/05/09 09:32 PM I am depressed tonight, and I make foolish food decisions when I'm depressed...which I did…
  • TO: mommamccoy Thank you so much for your kind words You are not alone! Welcome back!!!
  • TO: nursegirl79 You are right, when we have bad days remember that it's not all bad days, and as long as we have breathe we should keep trying without giving up.
  • TO: golddogs You are right, Tomorrow is a new day, to make better choices that will be a life long reward. Thank you
  • TO: laurig125 (it helps to think in terms of success, rather than failure. Take it one day at a time--if you were bad today, forget about it--tomorrow you get a clean slate. And be happy--if you're anything like me, when I'm feeling down on myself, I'm much more likely to drown my sorrows in a pint of Ben & Jerry's.) I…
  • TO: niky1215 At times it's just so hard to get up after you have fallen but the most important thing is to never give up. To keep trying despite everything around us, no matter how hard the storm can be, we can make it. It will feel so good to finally reach the goal that I want, to be healthy.
  • To: gumbyo9 Thank you for responding. I too had given up after losing the man that I loved, my dad's death, then my granddaughter death. I now have a grandson who is five and so many things are going on and I need to be strong and healthy so I can be around longer. Yes, when I fall, all I need to do is get up from where I…
  • Thank you for responding. I too had given up after losing the man that I loved, my dad's death, then my granddaughter death. I now have a grandson who is five and so many things are going on and I need to be strong and healthy so I can be around longer. Yes, when I fall, all I need to do is get up from where I left off and…
  • I so agree with this I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13