

  • It is so funny that all our lives we are taught in order to lose weight we must eat less and frankly that is the exact opposite in most cases. The first answer that was posted is an awesome explanation of how it works. I worked out tirelessly starting in May 2009 but I didn't change my eating. I was eating what I thought…
  • The prior post is correct for calculating although everyone is different so that is the generic way to calculate it. I met with a personal trainer and they were telling me that if you can talk and sing etc that is the region where you would be burning the most fat... when you get to the region where you are not able to…
  • Congratulations!!! That is the best class, any circuit training class is awesome for fitness and weight loss and good lord you will feel it if the instructor is good. Turbo kick classes or kickboxing classes are also awesome. They burn the heck out of some calories in a short amount of time. Keep trying those classes, they…
  • Carbohydrates are nothing but sugar. You need them for energy so diets like Atkins aren't very smart but you want to make sure you are eating the right kinds of carbs and that you are staying around 50% of your total calories. You should be getting your carbs from rice, fruits, vegetables and other good solid foods. It…
  • GREAT JOB GIRL!!!! You look fantastic and you're doing it the healthy way I hope by eating right and exercising..... I hate the word diet, it has such a depriving quality to it. We don't have to deprive ourselves in fact we need to be eating alot as long as we are eating the right is such an eye opener isn't…
  • I LOVE this site!!! I've been doing this generically on microsoft word since July 8 and have lost approx 18lbs. I found that I was exercising and doing what I thought I should be doing for over a year and I wasn't doing anything but sustaining and gaining. Finally i got sick of it and meant with my doctor and personal…
    in Newbie Comment by jennatig November 2010
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