JDBIsaacs Member


  • Wow, ok have to do a bit of reading on these concepts. But I think I get what you guys are saying. To be honest I think my first step is to record what what exercises, reps and sets I'm doing with my trainer. I have an idea, but I don't know specifics. I'm ok with losing some strength and mass, but I just don't want to see…
  • Wow, ok have to do a bit of reading on these concepts. But I think I get what you guys are saying. To be honest I think my first step is to record what what exercises, reps and sets I'm doing with my trainer. I have an idea, but I don't know specifics. I'm ok with losing some strength and mass, but I just don't want to see…
  • Thanks for the response Will definitely check out those articles My overall goal is just to lose as much body fat as possible over the next 6 months. I want to be leaner. I weigh 220lbs and am 20% body fat, so 176lbs LBM. I'm looking to have surgery on my chest at the end of those 6 months to remove what is called…
  • Thanks Malibu, yeah to be honest, the more I think about it the more it makes sense that it must be that I average out at about 2900 per day, if you look at it for a week or a month even. Coz there are some days I will eat exactly on 2100cal and others I will eat over or under it. So it fluctuates. Thanks for the tips.…
  • Excellent,thanks so much guys.