Add me too!
I'm 5'9 and looking to get healthy/fit. I'm doing strength training, Insanity and a little bit of cardio. So I'm not sure how much weight I'm aiming to lose. But I would like to drop 2-3 pant sizes and get rid of this belly. Everyone please feel free to add me!!! :)
Let me know how the first day goes for you!!
You've got this!!! I'm jealous of your tiny hips!! :)
Here are my Hips and Waist Measurements: Hips: 41" Waist: 29.75" I am hoping to lose at least an inch from both places.
You look great!! Unfortunately my camera broke and I can't take pics, but, I did lose 1 inch and I definitely have some definition. You all should come join my group.
I won't be able to post before pics because my camera broke last night (or sometime before and I just noticed) and my Ipad takes crappy pics, so I'm going to go by inches. I'll take my measurements and post them later today.
I'm pretty sure it will be viewable by everyone. I will be taking pictures tonight (after Zumba so I feel a little extra fit, haha!) and posting here tomorrow. Last month's ab challenge was the first time I ever posted a before picture. After hitting "post", I had an anxiety attack until the next person posted. And then I…
Thank you!!
You find it yet Mary? Yes, of course you can send them to me. Email them, it's easier. (I use the Ipad at home too and its so annoying at times.) I'll PM you my email address.
Hi Joyus. If you go to the group, the workouts are listed there.
I probably should of included that this starts tomorrow, May 1st.
Done! One more day and then it's all over, yay!!! Well, not really over, just moving onto a new month. Think I might up the reps from 300 to 400.
SW: 156 Week 1: 155.5 Week 2: 150.0 Week 3: 151.5 Week 4: 150.5 Week 5: 149.5 Total weight loss this challenge: 6.5 pounds 8.5 pounds until challenge goal
I'm playing catch up later today too!! I think I'll just do both days tonight so that way I can take my "after" pic tomorrow. I most certainly see a difference in my abs. I've lost about an inch since starting this. Even my husband who hates doing ab work has seen such a difference that he's going to do a 30 challenge for…
I tend to use previous exercises when they aren't listed or if I feel I don't get a good burn from them. Honestly, the past 3-4 "days" I haven't enjoyed so I reverted back to Day 3. I get a great workout from those exercises.
Thanks everyone!
That made me really smile!!
Thank you!!!!
Day 21 done! Great job ladies! I'll do Day 23 tomorrow and then I should be back on track.