

  • You got this! After all your on here, big step right there. Try this solution given to me by a nutritionist (no less than 1200 calories): Your body goes into starvation mode at night and stores fat...you have to give it fuel within 30 minutes of waking up to jumpstart your metabolism! EAT every 2-3 hours, so 5-6 small…
  • All gluten including corn gluten. And anything that is derived from them [super long list]. Lots of trial and error with GF foods. I still find things that make me sick, two years later.
  • Annies GF Cheddar Mac & Cheese Talenti Gelato Coconut Bliss Ice Creams Lets Do Ice Cream GF Cones Vans GF Waffles Plantain Chips Terra Chips Lentil Chips Beef Jerky - (Matador's Smokin' BBQ) Blue Sky Soda's Flying Cauldrin Butterscotch Beer (it's a yummo soda) Pamelas Cookies ( my fav is Espresso Choc Chunk) Glutino Wafer…
  • It can make you dizzy and all sorts of withdrawl syptoms. This is not unlike quitting smoking, drinking or any other habitual addiction. Your body was used to getting those things and now it's not and feels all discombobulated. Please keep up the detox as you will be rewarded hansomely. To the point that once you are past…
  • Try not to worry until it's been like 4 months and no progress. Then see a doc for some lab work on thyroids and the endocrine system. That is where I currently am. Going at it since April only shed ~10lbs .... Seeing an endocrinologist in October.
  • Try these soaps: http://goodiesunlimited.com/ Try These cleaners: http://www.mrsmeyers.com/ or http://www.jrwatkins.com/jrwatkins/store.cfm?Store=E4C33AFE-2386-BA86-A9DE93D5276FAEFE&Country=USA Laundry: All Free & Clear Just a hunch you won't experience any more rashes with these.
  • I agree with both statements here. As a Celiac I don't force others to eat the same as me around me. I think my issue is my issue to handle. In the same respect I really really appreciate the crap out of those that say, "no no where can you eat?" When trying to eat out together. Or the ones that will bring something just…
  • HAHAHA, Right! I mean isn't that one obvious.
  • Bravo!!! The only make-up that is truly safe is Bare Minerals. So if you must, I would reccomend that. I don't, but that because my budget is taxed to the max with the survival bills. If you need any help with other products, I'd be happy to help.
  • You do not have to ever go back to Gluten. There are tests that do not require you to eat that crap and get sick again. There is a DNA marker for it. Also you can have an endoscopy where there test the health of the vili. Lastly, you're diet and now lack of symptoms confirms your need to be GF. Many many many doctors will…
  • As a Celiac, I need to speak up. First, I feel bad for the cousin. Regardless of perceived legitamacy of the diagnosis. She feels better not eating the gluten. No different than feeling better when you exercise or diet. No to mention 90lbs is only ~50lbs under ideal weight. It's better to be this than over it. And yes…
  • I completely agree. I am a Celiac and must have a GF lifestyle. I was trying to not make my post any longer than it was. My particular GF lifestyle is no (wheat, oats, corn, barely, rye - in any form. Including all beauty, hygeine and household cleaning chemicals). Sorry IF my post confused anyone.
  • I too am having a similar issue. Sadly there is no exact answer that is universal. If you watch Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. You will notice on average the women are put on a 1200-1600 calorie per day diet. Then expected to work out 2-4 hours each day. This typically results in a 50% weight reduction in one…
  • Wow. Yea that's about right. I can identify with the Fat Girl. I am the fat girl. As such you feel so inadequat, not to mention embarrassed. On the track, in the gym, heck just the locker room is torture. Truly rememarkable to know that those insecurities are seen by many as heroic inspirations.