Do you REALLY have a food allergy/intolerance?!



  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    I have a problem with kiwis. My mouth will develop little blisters all over the back of my mouth when I eat them. Highly acidic fruit will do that too but I can normally eat anything that I want otherwise. I'm just a carb junky whose trying to get a grip, lose weight and get healthy.
    Being vegetarian, vegan, lactose free or gluten free is a choice for a whole lot of people. For some though, it's a very uncomfortable thing. One of my friends had a biopsy done during a scope and it turned out that she's got celiac disease so she can't have gluton or casein either. She is learning how to cope and cook using alternatives to both wheat, grains and dairy from cows.
    She carries special cards into restaurants and has to ask the server to give a card to the cook before we decide if we can all order or if we have to go somewhere else so she can eat too.
  • keep up the good work and i need friends on here anyone more welcome to become my friends on here
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Do you cut out whole food groups and tell people you have an intolerance/allergy in order to lose weight? How often does this occur?

    I've been told that milk is great for those wanting to build muscle. Sadly, I'm lactose intolerant and it definitely doesn't agree with me. I make up for it by eating yoghurt, cheese, etc as they don't seem to have any negative effect on me. I really like milk, too, eg tea with milk and sugar.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I am allergic to bivalves. I projectile vomit when I eat them, so I don't eat them.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I do have valid food allergies which was revealed during allergy testing. I've been thru 2 sessions of 4 years of allergy injections (8 years total but at different times). Plus I am on prescription allergy medication daily. But I can now eat the foods I tested as being allergic to. So yes some food allergies are very real.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Wow. If I were the cousin I'd sue the doctor.

    That said: I have a real food intolerance. If/when I eat wheat I have cramping and become constipated. If I don't eat wheat, I go pretty regularly. So I don't eat a lot of wheat. Sometimes I do, but then I know what to expect.

    ps: I have a friend who is about my height and weighs about 300. She has gluten intolerance, dairy intolerance, and some other food allergies she's trying to pin point. (Hives with certain foods, eczema with others). No anorexia there. She bakes gluten free cakes.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I would be very concerned about a doctor who did not keep the confidentiality of his patients. If he knew she was lying then he knows the truth, he shouldn't have told you. That goes against their code of ethics and HIPPA...not good.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    I have a problem with kiwis. My mouth will develop little blisters all over the back of my mouth when I eat them. Highly acidic fruit will do that too but I can normally eat anything that I want otherwise. I'm just a carb junky whose trying to get a grip, lose weight and get healthy.

    When I was about 3, I would complain to my dad about "pineapple dots" in my mouth, and my dad didn't have any clue what I was talking about. Then I called them Kansas sores. Anyway, pineapple makes the inside of my mouth and especially my tongue & taste buds break out into tiny, painful, white ulcers, AKA canker sores. I can eat pineapple in normal amounts without any other ill effects, but I generally need to hit up some Zilactin for a few days until my mouth settles back down.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    OP: After all these responses I find myself wondering... did you actually expect people to say; Yeah. I don't have allergies I just cut out entire food groups to lose weight?
  • 76scenic
    76scenic Posts: 22
    NO, I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ANNOUNCE my Cealiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance just to avoid explaining a diet or to lose weight. Truth be told being Celiac and following it's restrictions to the tee is the HARDEST thing in the world. You would not believe the things that have Gluten in them that are not even foods. It's in everything: food, cleaners, beauty care, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste and list goes on.

    I watch hair care and body wash labels very carefully now, and I don't know if it's because of switching products, or just because I don't eat gluten anymore, but my scalp doesn't break out like it used to. It was kind of embarrassing. I hardly ever wear makeup, but when I do buy it, I scan the ingredients - and if there aren't any, I keep shopping.

    Bravo!!! The only make-up that is truly safe is Bare Minerals. So if you must, I would reccomend that. I don't, but that because my budget is taxed to the max with the survival bills. If you need any help with other products, I'd be happy to help.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Do you cut out whole food groups and tell people you have an intolerance/allergy in order to lose weight? How often does this occur?

    I have a intolerance to red meat ... what happens to me is ... it pretty much tries to get out of my system as fast as possible ... would be the nice way to say it.

    I use to always eat steak and I LOVE the way it taste and would love to have... and I guess can still have one ... I just have to dedicate a day to being inside all day and close to the bathroom.

    As for allergies I am allergic to kiwi ... it makes my tongue swell up for about a hour and I talk funny ... That's about it.

    I do cut out food groups to lose weight but I don't make excuses for it... I just tell people I don't eat sugar by choice ... or say "I just eat a weird way" to explain it to them to avoid questions.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    NO, I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ANNOUNCE my Cealiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance just to avoid explaining a diet or to lose weight. Truth be told being Celiac and following it's restrictions to the tee is the HARDEST thing in the world. You would not believe the things that have Gluten in them that are not even foods. It's in everything: food, cleaners, beauty care, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste and list goes on.

    I watch hair care and body wash labels very carefully now, and I don't know if it's because of switching products, or just because I don't eat gluten anymore, but my scalp doesn't break out like it used to. It was kind of embarrassing. I hardly ever wear makeup, but when I do buy it, I scan the ingredients - and if there aren't any, I keep shopping.

    Bravo!!! The only make-up that is truly safe is Bare Minerals. So if you must, I would reccomend that. I don't, but that because my budget is taxed to the max with the survival bills. If you need any help with other products, I'd be happy to help.

    Ooh, thank you for the recommendation. I think my stepmom actually uses their products already, heh. Makeup is a pretty minimal thing in my life at this point - largely due to laziness :embarassed: - but when I do want to wear it, I want to look nice and not have a full-face rash in a couple hours. Never actually had that happen (*knocks on wood*), but I guess it could.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 313 Member
    As a mother to a chid with a medically proven and experienced anaphylactic allergy to nuts, I hate that the word allergy is bandied about inaccurately so much by people and confused with intolerance. It makes people in restaurants/shops etc take us less seriously and even doubt the importance of our questions about the food. When you or a family member could die within minutes from inadvertently eating something with even a small trace of the allergen it becomes a very serious issue indeed. To the extent that the rest of our family have also given up foods and restaurants because my son can't go there.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Maybe there is a disease for that...
    isn't it a Hypochondriacs

    I think a lot of these people KNOW that they don't have an allergy/intolerance... they do it so that they don't get annoyed by other people that accuse them of dieting. A lot of people won't admit that they are on a diet. I know that when I wouldn't tell some of my closest friends that I'm on MFP and that I track my calories because I would get the whole "but you don't need to! you're already healthy, beautiful...blah blah blah"

    I'll say it - I would never admit that I track my calories/intake/macros/vitamins/etc...
    I'd say it's more like: my head hurts when I go like this <smacks head on wall>

    My point: do people have something that the medical profession calls "allergy" or "intolerance"? Dunno. Do people notice that they feel BADLY (gut, skin, vomit, sniffles...) when they eat certain foods and better when they don't? YES. I'm one of those people. So I don't eat the food (wheat) that makes my tummy hurt. Does that make me anorexic? Of course not.

    Your cousin is an isolated example. please don't lump the rest of us in. thanks
    heck, is SHE anorexic? Maybe, maybe she's just a picky eater and gets nagged for refusing certain foods. WHO KNOWS.
  • Hmm.. I never considered how my mouth feels after I eat something. My mouth and throat really hurt after I eat bananas so I quit eating them for awhile and told my family I was allergic. I got bullied enough I started eating them again - BUT they still make my mouth feel really raw. Only happens with them though so it's not a problem with acid fruits or etc.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I think it is pretty sad that anybody feels the need to lie about food allergies/intolerances in order to avoid snarly comments and further teasing/ request for explanation.
    Why people won't leave others alone if they do not WANT to eat something for whatever reason.

    I hate mushroom in everything, I can not stand the smell, the taste and the whole idea that I am eating a fungus make me want to vomit. When I go out to eat with people who do not know me very well it is always end up being an issue when I order my dish without mushroom. There is always someone who start to question it. When I say just because I do not like it, they start to go on and on and on about how mushroom is yummy and when their food arrives they try to make me taste it. Or the whole dinner conversation end up talking about mushroom dishes, yikes. So far I have never lied about it, but tempted to do so many many times.

    Also before my pregnancy I tried out the primal lifestyle for a couple of month and I loved it, but again I get those commend about why are you not eating grain.Why I have to explain anybody my food choices? Just let me eat my freaking steak with mushroom-less veggies, and leave me alone.

    So yes I totally understand why anybody would lie about food allergies, and I do not blame them ! It is a very personal decision to eat or not to eat a certain food, and nobody should be questioned about it
  • OP: After all these responses I find myself wondering... did you actually expect people to say; Yeah. I don't have allergies I just cut out entire food groups to lose weight?

    I owned that one. I don't do it anymore, but when i was 16-18: yes. I totally did. I also had an eating disorder and it was much easier to say "I'm vegan." Than "I am NOT going to eat that because I'm fat enough and you CAN'T make me" - which is what was thinking, roughly, at the time.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have a cousin like that, too. Has a huge list of things she won't eat because it's "unhealthy," but chain smokes. It's so sad, because she's about 95 pounds and so frail, and has two bouts with cancer already and she's only 40, same age as me. :cry:
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    LOL! I clicked on this thread right away. It seems like it's through the roof! I mean I bought a packet of Almonds and they said "Warning: This product may contain nuts." I'm all like, I f*in hope so!

    I don't know. I sister claims to be allergic to a lot of things and now she says my niece is allergic to both chocolate and bananas and a few other unbelievable things...but my sister is also a known I'm skeptical.

    Do we all want to be special butterflies? I mean THERE ARE PEOPLE WITH THESE PROBLEMS. I don't doubt that.

    But anytime someone tells me they're gluten intolerant (not celiacs), I think, have you considered that you might be "pre-diabetic" or type-2? Or maybe they have Crohn's or Collitus (I mean my husband had/has both!) They could "feel bad" when they have carbtastic stuff because they have insulin/sugar problems, not gluten specific allergies. Then again, I suppose if it forces their hand to eat better, who am I to judge? But, I think people need to stop googling their issues and go to the doctor. If an allergist or GI tells you you have an issue, then okie-dokie...

    Can you tell I'm conflicted. You know what it is? I don't really care about other people's intolerances or allergies, really, it's none of my concern (I mean I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian who's allergic to Melon *shrug*), it's when other people make it an issue--no peanut butter in bag lunches at schools?! My friend's friend who constantly whines about restaurant choices because they're lactose intolerant. NO. No. I don't make everyone change their plans because of my being a Vegetarian. I have special food needs, I try to take care of it by myself and have a good time. If your kid is THAT allergic to peanuts, it's up to you and your kid to take care of, not changing public policy. Also, it's been proven that sanitizing EVERYTHING your kid touches gives them a weakened immune system, so maybe if we rubbed out kids with dirt and let them touch shopping handle carts without freakin' hand wipes and whatever other damn anti-bacterial bullsh*t is out there allergies wouldn't be on the rise, because their immune systems wouldn't think FOOD was invasive--it's called "germ theory" look it up. I mean I don't whine and B**** and inconvenience everyone else because of a choice or a genetic deficiency.

    Oh did that happen. Rant over. Bring it I guess.
  • 76scenic
    76scenic Posts: 22
    NO, I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ANNOUNCE my Cealiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance just to avoid explaining a diet or to lose weight. Truth be told being Celiac and following it's restrictions to the tee is the HARDEST thing in the world. You would not believe the things that have Gluten in them that are not even foods. It's in everything: food, cleaners, beauty care, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste and list goes on.

    I watch hair care and body wash labels very carefully now, and I don't know if it's because of switching products, or just because I don't eat gluten anymore, but my scalp doesn't break out like it used to. It was kind of embarrassing. I hardly ever wear makeup, but when I do buy it, I scan the ingredients - and if there aren't any, I keep shopping.

    Bravo!!! The only make-up that is truly safe is Bare Minerals. So if you must, I would reccomend that. I don't, but that because my budget is taxed to the max with the survival bills. If you need any help with other products, I'd be happy to help.

    Ooh, thank you for the recommendation. I think my stepmom actually uses their products already, heh. Makeup is a pretty minimal thing in my life at this point - largely due to laziness :embarassed: - but when I do want to wear it, I want to look nice and not have a full-face rash in a couple hours. Never actually had that happen (*knocks on wood*), but I guess it could.

    Very Welcome. Anytime