Do you REALLY have a food allergy/intolerance?!

I have a story that I would like to share.

You see, I have a cousin. She is 5ft4 and around 90lbs at 26 yrs of age.
She is clearly underweight to the trained eye... although, most people really just think that she has a petite frame.
As a teenager, my cousin was "normal" and maybe even slight overweight.

So what happened?
She started out being lactose intolerant. Great! No more dairy!
Then, one day, she told me that her gastro Dr. told her that she had celiac disease! No more gluten!
Then, last year, she decided that she was going to become vegetarian!

So, now, what does she eat? Rice cakes, veggies and the occasional fruit.

I had gastrointestinal issues of my own and when my Dr. (the same gastro specialist as my cousin) asked if there was any celiac disease in my family, I casually mentioned my cousin. He looked at me and sighed and said that she didn't have celiac disease when he had tested her...This Dr. probably didn't do it on purpose to reveal medical information about another patient.... but, anyway... that's beside the point to my story.

So, she's BUSTED! Her real intolerance is food... she has anorexia nervosa. Without hitting every criteria for anorexia nervosa and being severely underweight, I believe many people cut out food groups to lose weight.

Do you cut out whole food groups and tell people you have an intolerance/allergy in order to lose weight? How often does this occur?


  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I never thought I had any food issues, but I went to a naturopath this spring. I was constantly tired, drinking more and more coffee, which didn't help and was eating healthy with lots of fruits and vegetables and doing lots of exercising. Turns out, when she tested my blood for gluten intolerance, all my red blood cells ran screaming and linked up into chains to protect themselves. Long story short, gluten exposure was causing my fatigue, because my blood couldn't transfer oxygen efficiently chained together like that. Reduced my gluten intake dramatically, energy came back and now I rarely need a cup of coffee. I haven't had to eliminate gluten entirely, but reducing it has definitely helped.

    Edited to add: this was all before I got I am just tired because of that! :laugh:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have IBS. My body is intolerant to being reasonable. I still eat everything, though. Nothing in particular seems to trigger it.

    My sister is gluten free half the time and the rest of the time not. She said she *thinks* it makes her feel better. Sigh. Most of the time she doesn't feel better and we're all just inconvenienced.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I never thought I had any food issues, but I went to a naturopath this spring. I was constantly tired, drinking more and more coffee, which didn't help and was eating healthy with lots of fruits and vegetables and doing lots of exercising. Turns out, when she tested my blood for gluten intolerance, all my red blood cells ran screaming and linked up into chains to protect themselves. Long story short, gluten exposure was causing my fatigue, because my blood couldn't transfer oxygen efficiently chained together like that. Reduced my gluten intake dramatically, energy came back and now I rarely need a cup of coffee. I haven't had to eliminate gluten entirely, but reducing it has definitely helped.

    Edited to add: this was all before I got I am just tired because of that! :laugh:

    That's cool, its legit, you got tested and you're not lying... but, only 1% of people are supposed to have gluten intolerance according to scientific medical studies.
    So what's up with this whole no gluten trend?
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I have IBS. My body is intolerant to being reasonable. I still eat everything, though. Nothing in particular seems to trigger it.

    My sister is gluten free half the time and the rest of the time not. She said she *thinks* it makes her feel better. Sigh. Most of the time she doesn't feel better and we're all just inconvenienced.
    After having seen the Gastro doc, it was determined that I have IBS as well. That is the disease of "well, we can't really figure out why your tummy is always upset". Anything and everything can trigger it... dairy, fruits, veggies, MSG, carbs, fatty foods, etc. So I can't cut out anything, or I'd be cutting out everything.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    thanks for sharing.
    This story does not really surprise me.
    I knew a girl on a site like this that had a list the size of your hand of "stuff" she had.
    Everyday was a new one and i would just roll my eyes
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    thanks for sharing.
    This story does not really surprise me.
    I knew a girl on a site like this that had a list the size of your hand of "stuff" she had.
    Everyday was a new one and i would just roll my eyes
    There is a girl on my MFP friend list like that too...*sigh* and she's clearly underweight.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Maybe there is a disease for that...
    isn't it a Hypochondriacs
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Maybe there is a disease for that...
    isn't it a Hypochondriacs

    I think a lot of these people KNOW that they don't have an allergy/intolerance... they do it so that they don't get annoyed by other people that accuse them of dieting. A lot of people won't admit that they are on a diet. I know that when I wouldn't tell some of my closest friends that I'm on MFP and that I track my calories because I would get the whole "but you don't need to! you're already healthy, beautiful...blah blah blah"

    I'll say it - I would never admit that I track my calories/intake/macros/vitamins/etc...
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Maybe there is a disease for that...
    isn't it a Hypochondriacs

    I think a lot of these people KNOW that they don't have an allergy/intolerance... they do it so that they don't get annoyed by other people that accuse them of dieting. A lot of people won't admit that they are on a diet. I know that when I wouldn't tell some of my closest friends that I'm on MFP and that I track my calories because I would get the whole "but you don't need to! you're already healthy, beautiful...blah blah blah"

    I'll say it - I would never admit that I track my calories/intake/macros/vitamins/etc...
    Agree with you.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I have IBS. My body is intolerant to being reasonable. I still eat everything, though. Nothing in particular seems to trigger it.

    My sister is gluten free half the time and the rest of the time not. She said she *thinks* it makes her feel better. Sigh. Most of the time she doesn't feel better and we're all just inconvenienced.

    That is what my doctor kept telling me (IBS), without any real evidence to back it up. I noticed it improved when I stopped eating so many processed foods (ie: MSG added) but never disappeared. Now it is pretty much gone with the reduced gluten diet. I hadn't had an incident in months, until I had a craving for chinese food the other day and went to a food court instead of a restaurant. 15 minutes later, meal was thrown out, stomach was rumbling and the hunt for a bathroom became a race!
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I have IBS. My body is intolerant to being reasonable. I still eat everything, though. Nothing in particular seems to trigger it.

    My sister is gluten free half the time and the rest of the time not. She said she *thinks* it makes her feel better. Sigh. Most of the time she doesn't feel better and we're all just inconvenienced.

    That is what my doctor kept telling me (IBS), without any real evidence to back it up. I noticed it improved when I stopped eating so many processed foods (ie: MSG added) but never disappeared. Now it is pretty much gone with the reduced gluten diet. I hadn't had an incident in months, until I had a craving for chinese food the other day and went to a food court instead of a restaurant. 15 minutes later, meal was thrown out, stomach was rumbling and the hunt for a bathroom became a race!

    ewwwww.... hate it when that happens! I get that too..I even start sweatting.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Nope. I don't have any food allergies or intolerances. I don't tell people I do. I don't cut food groups from my diet.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    If she's anorexic, it makes a convenient excuse. She can avoid eating foods around people because she supposedly has these diseases. Quite clever, actually.
  • zestyzaftig
    zestyzaftig Posts: 103 Member
    Yup. I have Crohn's Disease. Reactions from food intolerance is a very serious issue for me that lands me in the hospital. Right now I'm doing everything I can to save the eight inches of colon that is in bad shape (per colonoscopy and biopsies) after I had whole wheat pancakes a few months ago that started a runaway flareup cycle.

    I worked with a girl who was a picky eater her whole life. She's overweight- close to 300 pounds. Suddenly, when in her early 30s, she developed "food allergies". Couldn't eat gluten, honey, apples, peppers. She can have all the dairy, meat, fried foods she wants, though, which were her favorite foods all along anyway. Oh, and she always refuses to eat leftovers. If a meal has been produced and is more than 20 minutes old, she simply will not eat it and will throw it away. Makes me sick. She's a narcissistic witch anyway, so I figured the whole initial 'food allergy' event was a ploy to get attention anyway.
  • nikilovesaxl
    I'm actually lactose intolerant. My toilet can back me up on that one :embarassed: :laugh: :blushing: .
  • MissErinPaige
    I really am allergic to nuts... BUT

    When I was in treatment for my eating disorder years ago, there was a girl in there with us who was allergic to everything- but she said this so that she didn't have to eat the required foods they made us eat. They ordered her an allergy test and found out she was a liar and made her eat.
  • BosBruin5
    BosBruin5 Posts: 52 Member
    I have IBS. My body is intolerant to being reasonable. I still eat everything, though. Nothing in particular seems to trigger it.

    My sister is gluten free half the time and the rest of the time not. She said she *thinks* it makes her feel better. Sigh. Most of the time she doesn't feel better and we're all just inconvenienced.

    ^My sister does the same thing! It's pretty annoying. Especially when she decided to cut out carbs and gluten three days before we ran a 10K together. She barely made it through the race and felt awful for days.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I'm actually lactose intolerant. My toilet can back me up on that one :embarassed: :laugh: :blushing: .

    This ^^^

    Give me too much dairy and everyone around me will be running to the hills :-p
  • weathergirl320
    i actually have medically diagnosed celiac disease. my cousin has it, my aunt has it, my grandfather had it, and my other cousin has it on my other side. lol. so i am the 1% haha
  • LivvyLinde
    I went into the ER for severe internal pains, which was eventually diagnosed as colitis with a CAT scan. It stinks, though, because it seems like all the resources are saying that colitis actually makes ppl lose weight.... and I've only gained. :(